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Posts classified under: Eat Healthy

Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

Food additives find their way into our foods to help ease processing, packaging and storage. But how do we know what food additives is in that box of macaroni and cheese and why does it have such a long shelf life?

A typical American household spends about 90 percent of their food budget on processed foods and are in doing so exposed to a plethora of artificial food additives, many of which can cause dire consequences to your health.

Some food additives are worse than others. Here’s a list of the top food additives to avoid:

1. Artificial Sweeteners

Aspartame (E951) more popularly known as NutraSweet and Equal, is found in foods labelled “diet” or “sugar free”. Aspartame is believed to be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and food additives combined. It produces neurotoxic effects such as dizziness, headaches, mental confusion, migraines and seizures. Avoid if you suffer from asthma, rhinitis (including hay fever), or urticaria (hives). Acesulfame-K, a relatively new artificial sweetener found in baking goods, gum and gelatin, has not been thoroughly tested and has been linked to kidney tumours.

Found in: diet or sugar free sodas, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Jell-O (and over gelatins), desserts, sugar free gum, drink mixes, baking goods, table top sweeteners, cereal, breath mints, pudding, Kool-Aid, ice tea, chewable vitamins, toothpaste.

2. High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a highly-refined artificial sweetener which has become the number one source of calories in America. It is found in almost all processed foods. HFCS packs on the pounds faster than any other ingredient, increases your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, and contributes to the development of diabetes and tissue damage, among other harmful effects.

Found in: most processed foods, breads, candy, flavoured yogurts, salad dressings, canned vegetables, cereals.

3. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG/E621)

MSG is an amino acid used as a flavour enhancer in soups, salad dressings, chips, frozen entrees, and many restaurant foods. MSG is known as an excitotoxin, a substance which overexcites cells to the point of damage or death. Studies show that regular consumption of MSG may result in adverse side effects which include depression, disorientation, eye damage, fatigue, headaches, and obesity. MSG affects the neurological pathways of the brain and disengages the “I’m full” function which explains the effects of weight gain.

Found in: Chinese food (Chinese Restaurant Syndrome), many snacks, chips, cookies, seasonings, most Campbell Soup products, frozen dinners, luncheon meats.

4. Trans Fat

Trans fat is used to enhance and extend the shelf life of food products and is among the most dangerous substances that you can consume. Numerous studies show that trans fat increases LDL cholesterol levels while decreasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol, increases  the risk of heart attacks, heart disease and strokes, and contributes to increased inflammation, diabetes and other health problems.

Found in: margarine, chips and crackers, baked goods, fast foods.

5. Common Food Dyes

Studies show that artificial colourings which are found in soda, fruit juices and salad dressings, may contribute to behavioural problems in children and lead to a significant reduction in IQ. Animal studies have linked other food colourings to cancer. Watch out for these ones:

Blue #1 and Blue #2 (E-133)

Banned in Norway, Finland and France. May cause chromosomal damage.

Found in: candy, cereal, soft drinks, sports drinks and pet foods.

Red dye #3 (also Red #40 – a current dye) (E124)

Banned in 1990 after 8 years of debate from use in many foods and cosmetics. This dye continues to be on the market until supplies run out! Has been proven to cause thyroid cancer and chromosomal damage in laboratory animals, may also interfere with brain-nerve transmission.

Found in: fruit cocktails, maraschino cherries, cherry pie mix, ice cream, candy, bakery products and more!

Yellow #6 (E110) and Yellow Tartrazine (E102)

Banned in Norway and Sweden. Increases the number of kidney and adrenal gland tumours in laboratory animals, may cause chromosomal damage.

Found in: American cheese, macaroni and cheese, candy and carbonated beverages, lemonade and more!

6. Sodium sulphite (E221)

Preservative used in wine-making and other processed foods. According to the FDA, approximately one in 100 people is sensitive to sulfites in food. The majority of these individuals are asthmatic, suggesting a link between asthma and sulfites. Individuals who are sulfite sensitive may experience headaches, breathing problems, and rashes. In severe cases, sulfites can actually cause death by closing down the airway altogether, leading to cardiac arrest.

Found in: wine and dried fruit.

7. Sodium Nitrate / Sodium Nitrite

A common preservative usually added to processed meats like bacon, ham, hot dogs, and corned beef. Studies have linked sodium nitrate to various types of cancer.

Found in: cured meats such as bacon, ham and luncheon meat, hot dogs, anything smoked.

8. BHA and BHT (E320)

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are preservatives found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils. This common preservative keeps foods from changing color, changing flavor or becoming rancid. Affects the neurological system of the brain, alters behavior and has potential to cause cancer. BHA and BHT are oxidants which form cancer-causing reactive compounds in your body.

Found in: potato chips, gum, cereal, frozen sausages, enriched rice, lard, shortening, candy, Jell-O.

9. Sulphur Dioxide (E220)

Sulphur additives are toxic and in the United States of America. The Federal Drugs Administration have prohibited their use on raw fruit and vegetables. Adverse reactions include: bronchial problems particularly in those prone to asthma, hypotension (low blood pressure), flushing tingling sensations or anaphylactic shock. It also destroys vitamins B1 and E. Not recommended for consumption by children. The International Labor Organization says to avoid E220 if you suffer from conjunctivitis, bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, or cardiovascular disease.

Found in: beers, soft drinks, dried fruit, juices, cordials, wine, vinegar, and potato products.

10. Potassium Bromate

An additive used to increase volume in some white flour, breads, and rolls, potassium bromate is known to cause cancer in animals. Even small amounts in bread can create problems for humans.

Found in: breads.

The more whole, natural foods you eat, the better off you are – foods that do not contain preservatives, chemicals, fillers, artificial flavors or artificial colors.

Some Questions About Vegetarian Diet

Robin Pan

Q: After being on a vegetarian diet, the body feels very itchy?

A: This is a sign of detoxification as the digestive system is experiencing a lighter burden. Please refer to Dr Chiu-Nan Lai’s book, “Reclaiming Bliss of the Body”, for more methods of speeding up detoxification, for example, a fruit juice fast or do more exercises to enable the person to quickly get through the detoxification stage.

Q: Taking a vegetarian diet, the stool or wind from the bowel is smelly?

A: With more fibre passing through the intestines, intestines loosen up, like smelly drain being cleared. This is temporary.

Q: After being a vegetarian, the body feels cold?

A: If body gets too cold, take less raw food. If body has a cold constitution by nature, take warming Chinese medicine to supplement the body. Also exercise more or take up “qigong” should help. Hua-Tuo, a highly skilled physician in ancient China, developed a set of exercise called Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi) to teach others to exercise. This shows the importance of exercise. The hand-clapping exercise (Pai-shou Gong) and the 8-step exercise of Wutai Mountain (Wutai Shan Ba Bu Gong) are both very good qigong for improving the body consumption.

Though meat is more difficult to digest by nature, its storage of energy belongs to warm energy, (similar to what Chinese medicine refers to as “yang” energy). Thus, consuming meat would give warm energy. But there is no such thing as a free lunch. Besides having to get rid of the toxins produced out of the animal’s fear and anger when being slaughtered, one also has to bear the results of killing.

Q: A vegetarian meal does not give satisfactory feeling?

A: The body is habitually waiting to burn animal fat and animal protein. The digestive system will gradually change, and one will no longer feel unsatisfied after meal.

Q: What shall we eat for a vegetarian diet?

A: You may refer to vegetarian cookbooks in the market but replace the ingredients by unrefined and unprocessed organic food.

Q: Are the nutrients of a vegetarian diet sufficient?

A: India has a long culture of vegetarian diet, that is why no Indian has this doubt, whereas vegetarian diet is not common in the Chinese culture. Thus, one may meet opposition from family and society. Generally, a balanced diet of vegetables, bean curd, beans, and nuts should produce sufficient nutrients for the body. However, due to different body constitutions, the ability to digest is different, and thus absorption of nutrients is indeed different. For poor digestive systems, Chinese medicine may be used to regulate the body constitution.

In the Indian culture, many spices are used in the diet to regulate the body system. China has that as well; the traditional Chinese herbal combination is a very wise concoction to regulate the body system.

Q: Why do some vegetarians also suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure?

A: Do not consume refined foods (white rice, white flour, white sugar, etc) and processed food. A lot of vegetarian foods contain additives which are not healthy. Consuming these foods once in a while for the taste is alright, but long-term consumption is harmful. Do not use hydrogenated oil which may cause cancer. The best is to consume all organic food.

Q: Is organic food expensive?

A: Usually, there will be an increase of about US$100 per month [editor’s note: this estimate pertains to the US market] for a family to consume organic food. Many people spend more than US$300 per month on cars which only have a lifespan of about 7 years. Is our life worth less than a 7-year lifespan car?

Nowadays, many incurable sicknesses are caused by environmental pollution. Organic consumption is an environmentally friendly deed – no killing of insects, no insecticide or chemical fertilizers protects the environment. Within a short period of 10 years, (using 1990 California Organic Food Action Programme) as an example, the awareness of organic farming and organic consumption have shown effect (more and more organic food can be found in conventional supermarkets). This shows that with everybody’s efforts, we can reverse the common deed of self-killing due to using harmful chemicals.

Q: How can we obtain calcium from a vegetarian diet? Would we suffer from osteoporosis?

A: Vegetarian diet contains much calcium; quantity is not a problem. The book “Diet for a New America” explains in detail that osteoporosis is due to consuming too much protein and fat which further result in calcium loss.


The Sea, the origin of life is one of our greatest untapped resources of food. Sea Vegetables, amongst the most ancient life forms on earth have been harvested for centuries by people all over the world for use as ‘FOOD’. As they grow, sea vegetables convert the inorganic minerals in sea water into organic mineral salts that can be combined with their amino acids – the ideal way for us to get the minerals needed to protect our organs and nourish our hair, skin, nails, blood, bones and muscles.

In fact, since modern farming methods have resulted in subsequent decline in quality topsoil, including sea vegetables in the diet may be the only way we can ensure getting a healthy supply of essential trace elements, minerals and vitamins.

Commercially, sea vegetable has been used in almost all prepared food such as ice-cream, puddings, salad dressings, cheeses, breads almost any food that requires thickeners or stabilizers. However, eating sea vegetables in these forms are worlds apart from eating them direct from the sea.

The health benefits from sea vegetable are many and they compare favorably with land grown vegetables. It is a good source of protein and carbohydrate and is rich in minerals, trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. If eaten on a regular basis sea vegetable contains many substances that are very useful for the maintenance of good health and well-being.

Many essential nutrients are found in abundance such as calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, trace elements plus the necessary amino acids. It also contains the antioxidant group vitamins A, E, C plus vitamin B1, B2, Niacin, B6 and the all-important B12, an essential compound that is rare in vegetarian diets but needed by the body for healthy neuromuscular function and blood healthy in iron.

The iron content in sea vegetables is from two to ten times that of egg yolk and spinach. The vitamin C content equals that of tomatoes but is “four times” that of apples with much less acidity. Sea vegetables work directly on the blood and alkalizing it if it is too acidic and reducing any excess stores of fat and mucus associated with the modern diet.

An important substance called “Alginic Acid” found in darker variety of sea vegetables such as Wakame has several uses. This sticky substance that holds the plant together in the wild, acts as a binding agent transforming toxic heavy metals in the large intestines into harmless salts, that are easily eliminated. It is very beneficial after the removal of mercury amalgam fillings, as it aids the bodies’ detoxification process. Another important function “Alginic Acid” has is it slows down the rate of increase in blood sugar levels after meals, which is very useful for diabetics and those suffering from hypoglycemia. Try a small amount with each meal!

At McGill University in Montreal, researches demonstrated the ability of sea vegetables to remove radioactive – 90 percent from the body. The mineral content creates salt in the body, effective in eliminating radioactive and chemical wastes, which we pick in the environment. Modern science confirms that seaweed is one of natures’ all-round miracles full of minerals and health-giving properties. These secrets of the ocean have been used for hundreds of years by many cultures around the world. Japanese folk lore has long held that sea vegetables have effective anti-tumoral, anti-coagulant and antibiotic effects on the blood.

The chlorophyll in sea vegetable is a major body detoxifier for the blood, liver and bowel helping to lower cholesterol, prevent ulcers, thinning blood, killing bacteria and even curing constipation. The Laminine sea vegetable is said to be able to prevent aging of the arteries and to be effective in preventing high blood pressure.

Sea vegetables have proven positive in ameliorating cancer, rheumatism, arthritis, diarrhea, worms, bronchitis, asthma, gall and kidney stones, nervous disorders, thyroid and other endocrine system malfunctions.

Beyond their obvious health-giving properties, sea vegetables can be quite tasty. When added to beans, it has the unique ability to shorten cooking time. It also adds flavor and promotes the digestibility of most foods and accentuate the natural tastes of the vegetables, beans, grains with which they are cooked.

There are many different kinds of sea vegetables namely:


Wakame is a long, feather-like dark green sea leaf that grows at depths of around one or two meters. It thrives in cold, strong ocean currents and is high in calcium and rich in other trace minerals. Wakame is indispensable in Japanese diet. In Japanese folk medicine, Wakame is known to clean and strengthen the blood. Miso soup with Wakame has been used for generations as an aid in recovering from the effects of childbirth.

To prepare Wakame, rinse and soak Wakame for 5-10 mins. It inflates 7 times its actual size. To make a delicious soup, boil 5 cups of water and add Wakame into boiling water after cutting it into bite-size pieces. Cover pot and lower the heat to simmer the soup. Cook till Wakame is soft (about 20 mins). Turn off heat and add miso.

Wakame is delicious raw (soaked in water) in salads with rice vinegar or simply as a garnish. It can also be added to any cooked dish: stews, vegetables, and casseroles.


Mekabu is the sporophylls, or reproductive part at the base of the Wakame plant, that is prized for its mineral-rich qualities. It’s strong salty flavor and sticky texture can add a wonderful richness to root vegetable stews. When cooked in liquid mekabu opens out into a beautiful flower like shape. Mekabu is reaped by raking the sea floor and picking out only quality mekabu. However, the best quality mekabu are the ones handpicked by woman divers.

Mekabu being the root of the Wakame, thus contains more minerals than any other part of plant. It is highly nutritious and valued as an effective medicinal tonic.


Kombu is deep-sea kelp with thick wide leaves growing best in clean cool waters. The choice quality of Kombu with the best texture grows very deep in ocean currents, which are neither too strong nor too weak. High grade Kombu comes in long, flat strips. It is folded and packaged and is quite stiff, being well-dried and of a uniformly dark green color. It is sometimes dappled with natural white powder, which comes from the glutamate of the Kombu. This appearance indicates that the Kombu was cut from the most desirable, central part of the plant.

Rinse a 3” Kombu and boil in 6 cups of water for 5 minutes. Use this boiled Kombu as stock for making soups, sauces and vegetable dishes. When Kombu is soaked in water, it will widen and thicken considerably becoming quite tender. Kombu is delicious when cooked together with root vegetables, such as turnip, carrots, burdock and lotus root. Cooked Kombu can also be used for Kombu rolls, salads. Seaweeds, especially Kombu, contain glutamic acid, which enhances the flavor of other foods and adds nutritional value. It is good for arthritis, cardiac problems, and goiters, high and low blood pressure and tumors.

Kombu powder (kombu-ko) – premium quality kombu that has been dried and simply ground into a very fine powder. It has an appealing sweet flavor and can be sprinkled on food as a condiment or cooked in water to prepare a nutritious drink.

Kelp powder as marketed by the health food industry is usually ground from ungraded Atlantic varieties of kombu and has a coarse texture with a stronger sea flavor than Japanese kombu powder. It is sometimes used as a food supplement, but it also makes an excellent tonic to add to bath water.


Arame is black seaweed that has a similar texture and consistency to Hijiki but with a milder flavor and aroma. It is harvested fresh in early springtime and cooked for seven hours to make it tender and then dried in the sun. Originally a wide leaf, Arame is sliced into thin strands to make it easier to use.

Wash it well to remove grit. Soak it for a few minutes in water to cover. Sauté thinly sliced vegetables, such as carrots in sesame oil. Add Arame and soaking water to the vegetables and simmer for 20 minutes. Season with tamari soy sauce and cook for 15 more minutes.

Arame is a source of protein, fat and vitamins A, B1 and B2.


Nori is dried laver pressed into thin sheets. Like natural, organic farming the cultivation of Nori is an intricate and demanding craft. Seed quality, water temperature, a pollution free environment, seeding and harvesting time, as well as the method of drying are all critical factors and makes good Nori relatively expensive. As there are many grades of natural Nori in the market, the following guidelines can be used when choosing Nori.

  • Good Nori has a deep, rich, purplish black color while the cheaper grades are a flat, greenish black.
  • Fine Nori has a brilliant, gleaming luster as compared to the dull, lifeless quality of cheaper grades.
  • High quality Nori has a complex, fragrant aroma, while lower grades have an unappealing, synthetic smell.

The laver used for making Nori is collected on nets supported by bamboo stilts in tidal waters. The water coming in and out causes the Nori to grow on nets where it can be collected at low tide. The laver is then pressed between mats and dried in the sun.

Nori should be lightly toasted on one side over an open flame and then cut into thin strips and eaten with tamari soy sauce. They are a variety of ways Nori can be used for cooking. It can be crumpled and used as garnish on grain and vegetable dishes. The sheets also make an excellent wrapper for rice balls when on a picnic or when travelling. It is great in sandwiches, salads, breads, pies and baked foods. Nori can also be used to add into soup by itself or in combination with tofu and vegetables.


Agar agar is a traditional gelatin. It is made from eight different varieties of red seaweed. A long process carried out in midwinter makes it. All the seaweeds are cooked together and allowed to harden into a heavy gelatin which is then cut into square bars and spread out to dry on mats in barren winter rice fields. During the night, the agar agar freezes, and moisture comes out of suspension and forms ice on the surface. In the morning when the temperature rises, the ice melts and runs off. After repetition of this process for ten days, all the moisture disappears leaving only the flaky brittle agar-agar.

Agar agar is recommended as an all-purpose gelatin for use in the home. Makers of sweets and candies most prominently use it. Agar agar is used to make sweet or savory jelly, custard, mousse, flan and soup. To use agar agar, simply soak one bar of chopped or torn up agar agar in 3 cups of water and/or juice until it becomes soft. Boil slowly for 15 minutes. Mix in flavorings or add fruits or vegetables. Pour gelatin into mold and chill until it is firm for refreshing salads, aspics and desserts. To make savory jelly, make soup with chunks of vegetable according to preference and add agar agar before cooking. It will turn into jelly after it cools. It is a delicious light meal and is good for the intestines.

Agar agar has the effect of dissolving cholesterol and is good for the heart. Maintaining a balanced diet and also eating agar are good for people with high blood pressure.


Hijiki is a stringy black sea grass that grows best on submerged rocky ledges along the coasts. As it prefers a degree of sunlight, it grows at depth of around one or two meters. Hijiki will cook to a firm texture that imparts a delicious enduring taste; and its shimmering black appearance will highlight most meal.

Hijiki requires a year of growth to mature and is harvested in spring by hand. Unlike other varieties of seaweed, which are merely sun dried and require no further processing, Hijiki is very tough in its natural state so it must be dried out, steamed for 4 hours and dried again. It is then soaked into the juice of Arame to enhance the black color and sun-dried to be packaged for sale.

To prepare Hijiki, rinse it well before soaking it in enough water to cover for 20 mins. After sautéing the drained Hijiki for 15 minutes add soaking water so that it barely covers the Hijiki in the pan and cook for one hour. The sweetness of Hijiki comes out best if sautéed first before cooking in water. When the Hijiki is cooked, it will swell to four or five times its actual size since it absorbs moisture. Lastly, season the Hijiki by adding some tamari, soy sauce and cook for a few more minutes (Hijiki requires longer cooking than most sea vegetables). Hijiki cooked in combination with tofu and vegetables such as carrots, burdock, mushrooms and lotus root make a delightful dish.

Hijiki contains fourteen times the calcium of cow’s milk and also contains large quantities of protein, vitamin A and B and iron. It is rich in valuable trace minerals. Hijiki is also recommended for diabetics.


Purple red dulse has a soft texture with a uniquely spicy flavor. It can be used to prepare a delightful range of soups and condiments and lightly cooked it is a tasty accompaniment to oats and other cooked grains. Simply soaking it makes a colorful and nutritious addition to a variety of salads.

Dulse is the most popular native sea vegetable of the North Atlantic and has been used for well over a thousand years as a food by the people of northwest Europe.

Dulse grows profusely around the low water line in the turbulent waters on rocky shores. The plants are small, measuring between six and twelve inches (15-30cm) long and have flat, smooth fronds. During harvesting, the plants are picked by hand during low tide. They are simply dried by the sun and wind then sorted and packaged for sale. Because of its natural habitat around the tide line, dulse may contain small shells and should be thoroughly cleaned before use.

Dulse is the richest of all the sea vegetables in iron, which makes it an important blood strengthener. It also contains an abundance of potassium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus. After Nori, dulse has the highest protein content of any common sea vegetable.



  • 2 oz rolled oats
  • 1 ½ oz dulse (soaked for 5 minutes in water and finely sliced)
  • 2 tbsp whole meal flour
  • Sea salt
  • Sesame oil
  • Hing
  • Mix the rolled oats, hing, dulse, flour and sea salt with enough of the dulse soaking water to form a stiff mix.
  • Shape into 2 inch diameter flat croquettes with your hands adding more dulse soaking water or flour, if necessary, to obtain a firm consistency.
  • Pan fry or bake in oven (375oF) till golden brown.

NOTE: Serve with a dipping sauce of either fresh ginger juice, shoyu and water or grated daikon radish with a few drops of shoyu.

Appreciate & Treasure with what we now possessed

Rejoice & be thankful with what we once possessed
Be happy & open minded to with what we had never possessed

~Ms Chu Yun Bi Teunissen

Rather be an unknown farmer than a famous cook – Wholesome Healthy Gourmet

Robin Pan

Pure as lapis lazuli
Penetrating one and all,
Bright as the moon
Illuminating the entire universe

Janice Foltz, 53, looks younger than 40, jogs 2 miles each day and surfs the mini surfboard without the protection of a wet suit. She is supple enough to perform many technically difficult manoeuvres.

Janice has been eating meat in the past. She became seriously ill with an incurable degenerative disease some 16 years ago (Lapis Lazuli Light May 1997 publication). At its worst, she could hardly life one hand without the help of the other. She had to be operated on several times and was even put into a nursing home. In one year she underwent three major surgeries without improvement. She finally felt that she had enough and left the hospital, changed to an non-meat diet, resigned from a highly paid but meaningless job in the gambling city, made many new health-conscious friends, worked in a health food store, learnt cultivation skills from farmers, and ate fresh fruits and vegetables that were full of life energy. Although she did not earn much money during the ebb of her health, Janice was really happy and gradually recovered.

Thereafter, her radiant, youthful, healthy good looks coupled with her culinary skills led to many requests for her to provide food catering services at parties. Soon, Janice became the much sought-after chief cook of parties thrown by many Hollywood stars. During this period, she had her own share of glamor, being chauffeured in expensive limousines and having her own luxurious mansion. However, this kind of life style only made it more clear to her that diamonds are not important; family and friends are. Subsequently, she gave up the job and simplified her life style, living in a small house, driving a small car and leading a normal life.

The once famous cook feels that health has to be considered as a whole package involving body, mind and soul.

The most important aspect of health of the body is digestion. A healthy digestive system stimulates the regeneration of new blood, repairing of damages and restoration of general good health. Janice feels that the daily diet should contain some raw food to provide the life energy. In her opinion, chlorophyll has a remarkable similarity to the red blood cells, thus eating greens is like having a blood transfusion. Amongst spices, parsley is beneficial to blood. Excessive usage of sugar, tea and cheese nowadays has resulted in their illegitimate presence in the blood circulation. To eliminate bodily fats, a glass of lemon juice in warm water spiced up with a dash of cayenne pepper would do the trick. In her daily diet, Janice loves to have cold salad with hot soup; this is helpful in promoting digestion. Some people do not like salad and that is understandable. Modern man takes a lot of artificial sweeteners and other food additives, which dulls the sense of taste. With less than sensitive taste buds, it is little wonder that salads are not palatable. The kitchen should not be stocked with canned food or ‘instant-cooked’ food. We should eat fresh food for the sake of good health. Leftover food should be avoided as there isn’t any food value left and is not fit for consumption.

According to Janice, hospital food lacks life and therefore it is not possible to really regain one’s health there. To achieve real health, one must stay away as far as possible. In today’s healthcare practice where surgery is a popular tool, one should never undergo surgery to remove any organ even though one is very sick. The body is a complete entity and losing an organ would result in damages which cannot be repaired. In the pursuit of good health, one should have the courage to relinquish all material possessions. 90-year old wind surfer, Dr. Paul Bragg, has said that health is truly the treasure which would always be above all material success and other pleasures.

Also, the health of the mind and that of the body are closely related. One must have confidence and faith that one’s health is improving day by day. The source of sickness is grief and stress. When one is stressed, one feels tightness in the shoulders and loses the usual suppleness. Thus, mental stress is harmful to the body. To achieve a peaceful mind, one should avoid bad company; forsake watching TV shows that are frequently critical of others and totally unrealistic; and avoid reading ‘thrash’ in the newspapers, which gives greater stress. As illness originates from the mind, treatment should start from the mind.

One must learn to forgive those who have intentionally or unintentionally hurt oneself, changing anger to peace. When overcome with anger, one should try to transmute it and not allow it to explode. India’ great hero Gandhi practiced this. He transmuted fear with courage. Evil thoughts became great thoughts. When one is not in a good mood, one can plant a tree or a vegetable, so as to distance one’s mind from bad thoughts. Some people like to recall their painful past; whether the memories are sweet or painful depends on the state of the mind. One can take care of someone or some plants in the garden so as to take the mind off unpleasant memories.

When one is sick, one should not be reminded of the condition. Some people like to talk about their sickness. One should try to change the topic or avoid their company. One should love all living things. Janice cited as an example that when she first met her husband, he used to hate spiders, bugs, snakes, etc., but not any more now. He loves all kinds of living things and has changed his diet resulting in a 100-point drop in his cholesterol reading. Previously, medication could only achieve a 10-point reduction. One must understand that all living things are interrelated, each is a part of the ecosystem of life and would only harm those that are harmful to itself. Anger and hatred are damaging to one’s good health.

Besides emotional health, spiritual belief is also very important. Without spiritual faith, one is likely to succumb easily to obstacles in life; and this is the source of physical ill health. Thus faith in a religion is the source of good health. With faith only can one believe that the world is there for us. With faith one can face the world with confidence. If one has to quit a promising career for the sake of improving spirituality and health, one would not expect to encounter any problem because one knows that one is moving in the right direction.

To relinquish materialistic desires, only a simple life can release one from the jailhouse of money. One should always focus one’s attention on one’s self and not to be envious or jealous of others. Each and every person is unique and has his or her specific value in this universe. If whatever one does is for the good of others and is what one is happy to do, one shouldn’t worry about lacking in happiness and riches. The more one has, the more worries one possesses. Most residences of the rich are protected by tight security systems, complete with safes and constant telephone surveillance. Generally, people think that security comes hand in hand with wealth and tight security systems and services. Aren’t these mere products of one’s desire to feel secure? One should not live to amass wealth but to enrich the self as well as one’s life. Janice feels that enrichment of one’s life starts from ground-planting. One comes into existence because there is earth; we grow because there is earth. According to Janice, Einstein had said that mankind, no matter how great they become, can never supersede nature unless man can make plants. Janice likes to meditate to improve her spirituality. She advises that one can begin by trying to be quiet; say, refrain from speaking for a day. Then only can one discover how totally unimportant was the whole day’s speech. Also, it is only during such quiet moments can one hear one’s own voice and realize one’s own identity and understand the meaning of one’s life. In Janice’s opinion, life is like a Marathon race; the importance lies in trying one’s best to finish the race and not in finishing it first.

She mentioned that Franklin once said that we have our dreams and aspirations everyday so that when we wake up in the morning, we feel that there is meaning and value in living. Someone once asked Janice what her aspiration was. She answered, “My dreams are happening every day, I wish the world to be more beautiful and more healthy. I understand that I have to start working from the garden to convince others. Although I have no children, I wish that this world would be a beautiful place for your children and theirs to enjoy. I do not want a long life, but I do want a full and perfect one. I sincerely feel that if I should die this very day, no one should cry for me because I have had a wonderful life!”

Yes, when you are brimming with compassion, there will be no room for grief, nor fear, even in the face of death.

Below is a collection of Janice’s stay-fit remedies for your reference: –

Intake of nutrients

Water: Drinking water must be filtered; do not use portable water.

Oil: Use olive oil for cold dishes and walnut or sesame oil for hot dishes. Other oils are not good for consumption. Chemical processes are used for the manufacture of most oil in the market presently. This kind of oil product can cause blockages in fine capillaries. If this happens in the brain, the thinking process would be affected. This is one of the reasons for amnesia in old people. Pear is good for the skin; it is also a source of oil.

Minerals: Sprouts contain a lot of minerals. Sprouting is also easy and therefore we can eat more sprouts such as those of alfalfa and sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds contain zinc which helps to strength the sense of taste and smell. In winter, when fresh vegetables are not available, sprouts would make a sensible alternative. Generally, magnesium can be obtained from green vegetables, iron from red vegetables and calcium from carrots (do not peel). That milk can provide the calcium is a misconception. Large quantities of cellulose is present in milk and it is also the important component of the horns and hoofs. The calf needs cellulose to hold up its heavy 600-pound body frame. For mankind, taking milk only adds on to the body weight without increasing the life energy. The large quantities of protein in milk need to be digested by absorbing calcium from the bones and this, ironically, is one of the reasons for osteoporosis. So long as one eats correctly, one should not be afraid of suffering from osteoporosis. This is because our body is totally renewed every seven years; and one would have a completely new body after seven years. Janice drinks 85cc of barley green every day. Barley green is a perfect food and is especially good for the blood.

Vitamins: Supplements of vitamin C can help to eliminate contaminants due to pollution of the environment. We could use some from natural sources to combat the side effects of environmental pollution. Janice suggested that we could consult a book about vitamins to understand what we may lack. Vitamin supplement is best obtained from natural sources.

Food preparations

Stir-frying of vegetables is preferred, observing the healthy rule of minimal usage of oil. Eat simply. Although she is a cook, Janice is surprisingly monotonous in her eating habit. Very little variation in her diet is allowed. One of the golden rules to keep fit is indeed to eat simply.

Avoid food that is not beneficial to the body

For instance, the presence of phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola would dissolve calcium in the body and is one of the causes of osteoporosis. In addition, presence of wine in the liver produces formaldehyde, which is a powerful disinfectant and preservative. The damage that it can do is obvious.


The volume of blood that passes through the heart each day is very substantial, thus it makes sense to take good care of the heart. Janice exercises one hour every day, minimum six days a week, so as to maintain the good condition. Besides, perspiration during the exercise helps to discharge toxins from the body.


In order to stay healthy, it is necessary to remove toxins from the body besides taking only healthy food. Fasting is a good way of removing toxins. Janice had the experience of fasting (with water) for a duration of one day, ten days and 21 days. If fasting with water only is too drastic for the body, one can also try fasting with fruits. The best result is obtained when only one kind of local seasonal fruit is used; random mixture of fruits is not recommended. In fasting with fruit juice, it is recommended that the juice of only fresh fruits be used; and again, only one kind of fruit is used. Fasting is also a good method of stimulating self-healing; however, it is necessary to fully understand the process of fasting before trying out.

Be kind to one’s digestive system

Food combination is very important. Fruits should not be taken together with rice. If fruits were taken immediately after a meal, the fast-to-digest fruits would be mixed with other slow digestive components (such as starch and proteins) and will be held in the stomach for longer than necessary before breaking down into acid, thus giving unnecessary extra workload to the eliminating process. This is one cause of bad breath and body odor. Starch and proteins are best not to be taken together e.g., rice with beans. It is not advisable to consume excessive proteins. In America, the consumption of proteins is strongly recommended merely for the sake of promoting dairy products.

Janice recommended some recipes as follows: –


Submerge seeds in water, cover with a fine netting material. Discard water next day. Seeds would sprout.

Sour pickled cabbage

Shred cabbage and fill up into a jar. Add water and some salt to pickle. Leave jar uncovered. The pickle is ready in three days. Some liquid may overflow during the process. The ready-to-eat pickle can be refrigerated without covering up. Although no cooking is done to the cabbage, the pickle tastes ‘cooked’.

Rice puree

Boil one cup of rice in 10 cups of water for 2 hours. Blend till the rice becomes puree; for seasoning, add a little salt and any other optional spices.

Almond milk

A source of calcium. Soak almonds overnight, blend and filter. Soaking of the almond allows it to germinate so as to release the life energy. The pulp can be kept for use in making breads and desserts.

Sesame milk

Method as for Almond Milk. It is also a good source for calcium. If desired, serve with banana, sweeten with honey or molasses. Sesame milk does not require filtering.

Ice-cream substitute

Rice puree, molasses, five American dried dates, 4 frozen bananas (frozen after being peeled), and almond paste. Blend evenly. Peanut paste is not recommended because peanut is not a hard fruit; it is a seed and would allow the growth of fungus (aflatoxin). It accumulates and adheres itself inside the body. Whenever a recipe calls for peanut paste, substitute it with almond paste.

Salad sauce

Vinegar with a little olive oil. Add a little preferred herb. Alternatively, tangerine juice can be used.

Why Vegan?

Quite simply, the vegan diet is the diet of the future… it is healthy, it is humane, and it is environmentally friendly.

The vegan diet, (eating only foods derived from the plant kingdom) is easily balanced nutritionally and provides a wealth of delightful flavors, from the simple to the gourmet. Whether you are an adult or a child, aged or pregnant, you will find everything you need in a vegan diet to live an active, healthy, and happy life. Nutritional research shows that a balanced vegan diet is not only perfectly safe, it is actually healthier than most other diets.

Ecologically and economically, veganism makes good sense. Less land than in conventional agriculture is required to produce the equivalent amount of food, an increasingly important factor with the current rate of deforestation and population growth. As an example: statistics show that the present number of cattle on the earth actually exceeds the number of human beings. If we take into account all other animals used in agriculture all over the world, we actually have a non-human population explosion which is more of a threat to the earth’s ecosystem than humans are. Food for thought!

There are other advantages too. The efficiency of crop farming is favorable to solving the world’s hunger problem. Presently about 70% of crops grown in the U.S. are fed to farm animals. During the famine in Ethiopia, crops suitable for human consumption were actually exported to first world countries for animal feed.

The most unfortunate victims of this topsy-turvy situation are the animals themselves. Meat wrapped in plastic and styrofoam, milk sealed in clinical containers and eggs laid out in neat rows in cartons hide the fact that animals are mutilated, transported, and killed in the process. The spilled blood and the cries of terror are replaced by coloring agents, tenderizers and supermarket muzak. We raise an international cry of alarm when we see baby seals clubbed to death and the equally horrifying fate of animals in our own backyard.

Veganism allows animals to live in freedom. It acknowledges that animals are not our slaves but our companions on the earth “They have never harmed us, they cannot defend themselves, and they are utterly in our power”.

Veganism is an act of protest and therefore of courage, rejecting the tacit assumption that the suffering and death of animals is something unimportant.

Vegans live, wherever possible, without giving support to the industries that profit by their use of animals, without using and animals and their by-products at all. They contend that any animal that may be put to profitable use will be used and will necessarily be exploited. All economically productive animals will lose their freedom and suffer painful invasions upon their bodies-whether they are on farms, at abattoirs or in laboratories. Whether it’s tail docking, branding, castration, close confinement, light-deprivation or debeaking, the commercial use of animals invariably involves cruelty. Just because we do not see it, does not mean that it is not there. Indeed, the very fact that it is hidden from us makes cruelty all the more likely to occur.

So… In A Nutshell… Why Vegan?

The only guarantee of a life not involved in cruelty is a life which avoids animal products altogether. It is the acid test of a cruelty-free lifestyle. (And, for most vegans, this would also include honey, there can be an almost symbiotic relationship between the apiarist and the bee, but nonetheless the honey is stolen, and bees are sometimes hurt or killed even by kind beekeepers. So even honey is an avoided food for most vegans.)

But vegans do more than this. They avoid sports and recreations that harm animals, such as rodeos, circuses, horse-racing, and fishing. Too puritanical you say? Not if you are on the animals’ side of the fence! There are many other forms of recreation which involve skill and fun without requiring animal exploitation: bushwalking, cycling, abseiling, swimming, to name but a few. Non-food products such as leather, wool and silk are also avoided, so are products which have been tested on live animals like cosmetics and household products.


Our meals are literally costing us the earth. They are turning forest into dessert, threatening wildlife habitats, poisoning the environment and, perhaps most importantly, they always involve cruelty to animals. If our meals did not contain animal products, if we adopt a vegan diet, then we would not only be making a stand against cruelty, we would also be avoiding further damage to the environment.

Rearing animals strictly for human consumption is an appalling waste of resources. Farm animals compete with us for land, food, water, buildings and fuel, and their waste-matter constitutes a major source of pollution. Pig’s waste for example, emits enormous quantities of ammonia which in turn, produces acid rain. Cattle, ‘whether for beef or milking, each emits up to 500 liters of methane, a ‘greenhouse gas’ 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

It requires lesser land to feed the human population on a vegan diet than on a conventional one, because it is far more practical to eat plants directly, rather than to process them through animals.

In a Nutshell

By relying on plant foods, we obtain all our calories and nutrients direct from the source while eliminating the ‘middleman’… (using the animal as a processor). Land is a valuable resource. Using it to grow food for direct human consumption is more sensible than growing crops to feed animals which later end up on our dining tables. Because more land is used to meet the increasing demand for animals and their by-products, the world’s forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate.


It is a fact that there can never be enough land to provide animal foods on such a scale. The world has only half a hectare of food-producing land per person and yet it takes three quarters of a hectare to meet the requirements of a typical meat-based diet. It is no wonder that the land is under pressure: the result being more pesticides and chemical fertilizers, fewer trees, and depleted wildlife habitats.

At the root of this problem lies deforestation, over-grazing, and over-cultivation. Many people are becoming environmentally aware of their world and care deeply about disappearing wildlife habitats and pollution, but don’t necessarily realize that their own eating habits are a major contributor to these problems.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Natural (undistilled) Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) can really be called one of nature’s most perfect foods* (*The best is organic, raw, unfiltered, unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar available in Health Stores.) ACV is made from freshly crushed organic apples and then allowed to mature. Natural ACV should be a rich brownish colour and if held to the light you might see a tiny formation of co-web like substances which we call the “mother”. The more matured the ACV, some “mother” will show in the bottom of the bottle. When you smell the natural ACV there should be a pungent odour and some are so natural and ripened they pucker your mouth.

Apples are powerful nutritional foods

They are a good source of potassium. Potassium is the mineral of youthfulness. It puts toxic poisons in solution so that they can be flushed out of the body. It is the “artery softener”, keeping the arteries of the body flexible and resilient. It is a fighter of dangerous bacterial and viruses. Potassium is the key mineral in the constellation of minerals and is important to the life of every living thing.

Deficiency in Potassium

Most humans are deficient in potassium. Millions living in today’s civilisation and eating the commercialised processed foods available have a potassium deficiency look. The skin and muscle tone is bad. The flesh does not cling firm on the body’s boney frame work. Lines and wrinkles fill the face and neck and flabby skin hangs over the eyes. The longer the potassium deficiency continues, this prolapsing eyelid progresses. Most people attribute physical changes in the skin and muscle tone due to their age.

You must have potassium to build and maintain youthful ageless tissues. Potassium deficiency can cause premature aging and degeneration of body cells. The two great enemies of life are toxic poisons (found in food, air, water and soil) and nutritional deficiencies caused by improper diet and unhealthy foods.

Potassium deficiency can stunt growth

Mentally retarded children and adults suffer from potassium deficiency. Some experiments were conducted on mentally retarded children and senile people. After following the Bragg’s Healthy Lifestyle with healthy food rich in potassium and ACV cocktails (1 teaspoon ACV with 1 teaspoon honey), they went back to normal life.

Most senile people suffer from a clogged arterial system

The potassium goes into the clogged, caked arteries and cleans out the rust and dirt… just like vinegar water removes grime from window. Potassium can be called the detergent of the arteries. One of the functions of potassium is to keep tissues healthy, soft and pliable in man and animals.

Body signs of potassium deficiency

  • Aches and pains in the bones and muscles, especially in lower back.
  • Shooting pains when a person starts to straighten up after leaning over.
  • Dizziness upon straightening up after leaning up.
  • A dull morning headache upon arising.
  • The body feels heavy and it’s an effort to move rapidly.
  • The hair is dull, faded looking, lacks lustre and sheen.
  • The scalp is itchy and dandruff and premature hair-thinning or balding may occur.
  • The hair is unmanageable, mats up and often looks like straw. Sometimes it is extremely dry and other times it feels like it’s oil soaked.
  • The eyes itch and feel sore. Sometimes the eyelids are granulated and white matter collects at the corners. At other times the eyes are bloodshot and watery.
  • The eyes tire easily and will not focus as they should.
  • There is a lost of mental alertness, making decisions difficult to make. The memory seems to fail, making you forget names and places that should be at the tip of your tongue. You become very forgetful.
  • You tire physically and mentally with the slightes effort.
  • You become impatient and sometimes very irritable with your family and loved ones and even with your business and social acquaintances.
  • You feel nervous and have periods of depression and mental fog. You have difficulty getting things done, due to mental and muscle fatigue. The slightest effort sometimes leaves you shaking and trembling.
  • At times the hands and the feet get chilled and cold, even in warm weather.

Uses of ACV

ACV can be used by overweight people to reduce weight, by taking ACV plus a healthy vegetarian diet and exercise. It can also be used to combat underweight. The underweight person is usually deficient in powerful natural enzymes. ACV helps to normalise body weight up or down as needed.

ACV Body Purification

Add 1 teaspoon ACV to 6 ozs of tomato or fresh vegetable juice (carrots + greens) and drink between meals once or twice daily. ACV also aids in the elimination of toxic wastes from the organs.

ACV can relief headaches

In a small pan put 2 tablespoons of ACV and 1 cup distilled water. Bring mixture to boil. When fumes begin to rise, turn heat off, put a towel over your head and lean forward over fumes, taking ten deep breaths of the ACV and water mixture.

ACV for sunburns

Lightly pat the skin with ACV to relieve sting and burning and leave it on. This will give prompt relief. For all over sunburns, pour one to two cups of ACV in cool bath water, then enjoy the healing, soothing soak. After soak pat on straight ACV to needed areas, then pat on aloe vera gel and leave on overnight. For serious burns, consult your doctor.

Combating sore throat and laryngitis

To fight throat germs – ACV gargle mixture works miracles (1 tablespoon to 1/2 glass of cold/warm water). Three mouthfuls of the mixture is gargled each hour and then spit out. Do not swallow the gargled mixture. As the throat begins to feel better, extend gargling to once every three hours.

For normal people, use ACV gargle once or twice weekly to help remove toxins eliminated through the throat tissues. This gargle is also good during fasting.

ACV can also be used for the following:

  • For keeping the skin healthy
  • Skin blemishes and acne
  • Younger looking skin in five minutes with ACV facial
  • For itching scalp, dry hair, dandruff, thinning hair and baldness
  • Strengthening the heart
  • Low-fat meals cut heart disease risk
  • Muscle soreness and aching joints
  • Improving digestion
  • Fight kidney and bladder problems (for bedwetting)
  • Combating gallstones
  • Fighting arthritis
  • Combating mucus conditions
  • Combat constipation
  • To fight acid crystals which cause premature aging
  • Fight Muscle cramps, nosebleeds

Vegetarian Diet

Krystal Pearson

I became a vegetarian in 4th grade (age 9). At that point I completely stopped eating meat, fish, chicken, pork, turkey, etc. I still ate eggs and drank cow’s milk. I am now 24, so I have been a strict vegetarian for 14 years.

My parents were very reluctant to the change. They didn’t really understand why I was doing it. We ate meat with most meals, so my diet was changed significantly. I had always loved red meat, especially big steaks. But at the same time I had been an animal lover from the day I was born. I had grown up with dogs and many other animals such as: parakeets, fish, hamsters, rabbits, etc. I always felt a very strong energetic connection with animals.

I was watching television one day and I saw what a chicken factory/slaughterhouse looked like with lots of dead chicken hanging by their feet moving around on a metal assembly line. I was extremely disturbed and disgusted! At that moment I decided I did not want to eat dead animals anymore. At this age, I was not aware of the abuse that went on in the egg and dairy industry as well. So I began to refuse to eat meat/chicken/fish.

My parents were very upset and tried to force me to eat meat, but I was and still am extremely strong-willed and stubborn. They told me I couldn’t have dessert if I didn’t eat the animal products and dessert was of course my weakness. I loved sweets! But even that couldn’t stop me; I decided to go without the dessert and the animal products. After maybe a year of the battle going on they finally gave up and by fourth grade I ate absolutely no meat/fish/chicken/turkey/pork/bacon etc. It was very hard to get a balanced meal because the animal products were such a staple in the meals that my parents cooked. I ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread, cereal, and cheese, milk, sugar/candy, etc. My parents did not cook tofu or beans much and had a limited range of vegetables that they cooked for dinner, so my diet was limited and probably not as well balanced as it should have been. They tried as best they could to feed me a well-balanced vegetarian diet, but they were just not knowledgeable on the topic.

However at the time I had 2 best friends that were also vegetarians, and their mothers were vegetarians as well. So I ate over at their houses often and was exposed to a wider array of vegetarian foods. I always got enough to eat no matter where I ate and who I ate with because I was flexible and willing to eat anything as long as it wasn’t a dead animal. I found it easy growing up as a vegetarian; it easily adjusted into my lifestyle. I was very proud about my decision. By high school my parents got so tired of trying to find things I would eat, that they gave me money to go do my own grocery shopping. I was such a picky eater, and my preferences changed so much from week to week that they finally gave up and thought that that would be the best solution. I bought a lot of the Amy’s brand frozen meals, they are vegetarian meals with organic produce and can be bought at most grocery stores. When I was in high school I also cut out cow’s milk from my diet. When I have digestive problems milk will make these problems even worse. Then when I was in college I began to read about all the abuse and all the hormones in the dairy/egg industry. So I started limiting eggs and other dairy products from my diet.
Now I am 24 years old and attending a graduate school for acupuncture, herbology, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I drink no milk, eat eggs on very rare occasions (and they must be organic & free range) and I eat organic cheese. I still eat no meat/fish/chicken, etc. I hope to never go back to eating meat it if I don’t have to.

My Chinese medicine doctors have recommend I consume some red meat to help with my blood deficiency that they think may be contributing to the digestive problems that I still continue to have. But I refuse to eat it until I have tried all other options and nothing has worked. I am very happy being a vegetarian. The thought of eating meat/chicken/fish/etc. disgusts me and does not appeal to me in the slightest bit. I have had no cravings for it since I stopped eating it. I do not really consider it a food group.

My diet currently consists of: organic nuts (especially pecans, walnuts, almonds, & peanuts), sprouted grain bread, organic fruits and vegetables from the local farmer’s market, organic whole wheat pasta with organic tomato sauce or pesto sauce, organic cheddar cheese, organic soymilk, veggie burgers, whole grain cereals, brown rice, tofu, edamame, etc. I also try to eat as much organic food as possible, so I can limit my consumption of pesticides, fertilizers, and other toxic chemicals. I do most of my shopping for food at either Trader Joes or the local farmer’s market. I love all this food and am very happy with my diet. I still have digestive problems, but I attribute these more to my busy lifestyle and perfectionist personality, rather than my lack of eating meat. My extended family, friends, and boyfriend’s family are all very aware that I am a vegetarian, and they are all very accommodating when they cook meals at their homes or when they choose restaurants to out and eat at with me. It is nice that they are all so understanding. It makes it much easier on me and I don’t have to miss many meals that way. I hope that my kids will also grow up eating vegetarian food. I would recommend it as a diet as long as you get enough protein, enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, and are willing to be flexible when you eat out. A balanced diet is especially important when you are a vegetarian.

How to Increase the Energy of Food

Rachel Tseng

Eversince following Dr Lai, I have learnt a lot of wonderful and useful methods including enhancing the energy of food. I have compiled here a reference for those who are interested.

The Power of The Mind

Reciting mantras/prayers before meals or having a grateful heart will increase the energy of food with the power of these thoughts. There should be no doubt for Lapis Lazuli Light’s readers.


Food Combination

Food combination is very tricky, the compatibility and incompatibility of food will cause a considerable change in the original energy of the food. Even if the original level of energy in the food is not high, a good combination will create a significant increase in the energy.

I remember at one time, I saw a raw food recipe that blends pumpkin and mango into a soup. Out of curiosity, I tried it. The result was surprisingly tasty. Dowsing shows that both of these foods are indeed very well-matched.

I think great chefs may not necessarily know about measuring energy. However, relying on their natural instincts, they create a variety of delicious dishes. To have good food combination, intuition is the first tool.

If your intuition is not strong, you can refer to traditional food combinations like those that we have eaten for hundreds of years such as long bean fried with preserved Szechuan mustard. Having passed the test of time with everyone feeling especially good after eating those foods, the recipes were handed down from generation to generation.

Of course, if we know how to measure energy, our food combinations will be like a tiger with wings. For example, adding brown sugar to mung bean soup and sweet potato soup is energetically higher than using red rock sugar. In the case of red bean soup and almond milk, the energy of rock sugar is higher than that of brown sugar.


The Magical Effect of a Pinch of Salt

Every time I made sweets, my mother always told me: “Foods that are purely sweet harm the stomach; that is why a pinch of salt must be added.” I was indifferent and never took her advice seriously.

Later, I read in a recipe that salt can draw out natural sweetness. I recalled reading the “Little Chef” comic book as a child. In the book, there was a cooking competition. A rising star was favoured by the judges. This was beyond everyone’s expectations. Later, it was discovered that when the chef was focusing on his cooking, he was dripping with perspiration. This salty sweat dripped into the food and resulted in the judges tasting a special flavour of salt that made him a champion.

Later, I gave dowsing a try and found that if a pinch of salt is added into different kinds of sweets, almost always the energy increased and sometimes salt also allows the energy to multiply! Why don’t you try it?


Pure Wool Material with Metal Pot

This is a wonderful way that Dr Lai shared in a workshop recently: overlap metallic materials (exclude aluminium and copper) with the natural wool layers would in principle draw the cosmic energy. There were even cancer patients who slept wrapping themselves in alternate layers of metal and wool material and were healed. At home, we put food in a stainless steel pot and cover it with pure wool blanket or pure wool sweater. Although there is only one layer, it does increase the energy of the food. What a great convenience!


Using A Pendulum

Raymon Grace taught us how to use the pendulum to disperse bad energy and pull in good energy. With the same method, it can be used on food. Please refer to the book ”Techniques That Work for Me: A Mini-Course in Management of Energy for Improving Your Life”.


Special Number – 955

This method came from Hanna Kroeger. When you read the numbers 955 out loud, at the same time with the right hand (towards the direction of your thumb) pointing at the food circling clockwise. Draw a circle when reading a number, the energy of the food will be increased from the frequency of the sound. I have tried this method, and found that when I articulate 955 in English, the energy is higher than when I voiced it in Chinese. Try it!



Information on the pyramids was shared in the November 2004 Lapis Magazine (Chinese only) which mentioned that the energy of food is enhanced when the food is placed in the pyramid. I will not repeat the details here.


Water & Food Magnetizing Energy Enhancer

This is the method I love to use to enhance energy. Since almost all food or animals or plants contain a lot of water, in addition to increasing the energy of water, we can also use an enhancer to increase the energy of food or people. In a training camp, Dr Lai did an experiment, a mother and daughter had their energies measured separately, one after another. The Water & Food Magnetizing Energy Enhancer was used to increase only the mother’s energy; we found that the energy of the daughter was also increased! When we increased the energy of a glass of water, the energy of another cup of water from the same source also increased. This shows that the energy of the same source will receive the same blessing.

This has encouraged me to use more of the Water & Food Magnetizing Energy Enhancer. It is inevitable that there are times we dine outside. When we use the Enhancer to strengthen the energy of our food, we are also increasing the energy of the food in the restaurant. I would even visualise that the food from the same production line also receives the same blessings, or the fruits from the same fruit trees are radiating light. When we can benefit ourselves and others, why not?



After reading these methods of increasing energy, many readers might immediately think: Since we can now enhance the energy of food, then why do we still want to buy the higher-priced organic food? Please be reminded that organic food not only has high energy, it also has radiance. With added energy, the energy will be even higher. This is not attainable from non-organic food. Also as consumers, we have the ability to direct the market. When we can afford to buy organic products, we will try our best – it is an effort to protect Mother Earth.

As for which methods can increase the most energy in the food, it is for the readers discover on their own!

The original Chinese article is published in the Nov 2008 issue of Lapis magazine and is accessible online at: http://www.lapislazuli.org/tw/index.php?p=20081102.html