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Transforming Problems: Self-Healing Visualization

There is a visualization technique that is used to positively recreate situations that are presently causing you pain, tension or distress. It is very effective in helping you to identify the inner cause of problems or illness, as well as your reactions to challenging situations in your life. You can also use this self-healing to transform areas in your body where you are experiencing discomfort or disease.

Healing the Cause of Problems

What we are using in this technique is the power of the mind. The mind is where the fundamental cause of all these problems lies. Other conditional causes include diet, genetics, environment, etc. In addition, since the mind and the body are linked, what happens in the mind affects the body. By using imagery or metaphors to “describe” how our body responds, we can access deeper or hidden experiences or images that are closer to the root of the problem, and then quickly change them. Since the body and mind are so connected, when we change the image or the metaphor in our mind, our emotions and body begin to respond to the new image. I have witnessed people who have experienced a complete healing of illnesses, a change of perspective, forgiveness and a very profound understanding when using this approach. After 15 years of doing this with thousands of people, I have never found anyone who was not able to use this method in an honest but graceful way. Since it is people’s own wisdom that accesses the image, they are able to readily integrate the transformed image. When you use this technique, it is your inner knowledge, rather than someone outside of you, that shows you what you can do.

This exercise can be done with or without drawing, at any time, but it is a good idea to do it with drawing whenever you can, because that helps you to integrate the transformation that is taking place, and to measure it symbolically. Once you became familiar with it, you can use the exercise very quickly and whenever you are challenged. While the method described below describes a relaxation as preparation, it is also possible to do the exercise in the heat of things, taking a few breaths first. However, on this occasion, let’s do the full relaxation, which is healing in itself.



Find a quiet place tosit down and relax – on a cushion, a chair or the floor. Lying down or sitting, breathe into your throat, into your chest, so that you feel the air coming in through your throat and down into your chest. Breathe 5 times deeply in this way.

Allow any tension or worries to float away or imagine breathing them out.

Alternatively, breath into each part of your body, breathing in, holding your breath a moment while you tense the muscles in that area, then breathing out and relaxing. Start with the muscles in your head and jaw and finish with your legs and feet.

Now that you are relaxed, let’s move to the main part of the exercise. You will need 2 sheets of paper and some color pencils or crayons.



  1. Recognize that there is a situation that you feel threatened or disturbed by, or there is physical or emotional discomfort or pain that you are experiencing. You can also focus on an area of illness.
  2. Acknowledge: Sit in a relaxed position and focus on your breath. Let your focus move into your body and scan your body looking for a point of tension, pain, heat or discomfort, just allowing your intuition to direct you to an area that is most appropriate. This may be the area in your body where you feel the discomfort that results from a situation in your life, or an area of illness. Just ask where this pain or discomfort is sitting in your body. If there is more than one place, just ask where to focus first, and trust your intuitive answer.
  3. Ask: Once you focus on that area, ask it to show itself to you allowing this to present itself to your mind as a symbol, color, feelings, sounds or words. Ask the following questions and let it show you more detail.
  • Is that area of feeling close to the surface or deep inside?
  • What size is it? How much area in there does it cover?
  • Is it flat or three-dimensional? What shape is it?
  • What color is it? Light or dark? Specific colors?
  • Is it solid or transparent, spongy or liquid? What is its density? If it were made of something, what would it be?
  • If it had its own mind or feelings, what is it feeling – anger, sadness, fear, etc.?
  • How old it is – young, old, or ancient?
  • It most likely had a job to do that helped when it was first put there. If it did, what has its “job” been? How may it have benefitted you in the past? Do you still need it in the form it is presently taking?

Taking whatever time you need, draw or document your image, and write key words for what it feels like.

  1. Check and see if you and that area are willing to let it change or transform in a way that benefits both it and you. You only need to be a little willing for this to happen. If you’re not, let that be OK. Know that this isn’t the right time, and you may be ready later. Just recognizing and being aware of it will begin to change process. Be gentle with yourself.
  2. Ask for help from your Spiritual Source of Omniscient Wisdom, Love and Compassion or that part of you which is connected with a power greater than yourself. It could simply be your Inner Wisdom. Let it come in whatever way is appropriate. Don’t limit it. Simply ask for help, relax, and begin to observe it like a video. All you need to do is allow the image to change in shape, feeling, form or color. Notice if anything comes into this inner picture, if it changes color, etc. You don’t have to do anything except listen, and watch for change, for words, whatever comes. You may simply begin to feel differently. Stay open and take the next few minutes to let it happen. If at any time you feel stuck, ask for help again and let go.

When you are ready, draw or document this new image and write a few key words for how it now feels.

  1. Compare the first and second drawings or images. Notice the changes. Does the second feel more comfortable or less comfortable? Does the second image feel partially or completely healed? If you feel there is more to heal, then repeat this exercise once more in a week to allow the next level of healing to take place. (See Results below for more explanation)
  2. Optional forgiveness step: Use this when your second image indicates complete healing. Imagine giving a duplicate of this new symbol to the person, people or situation that you initially believed was part of the cause of your problem. With your imagination, simply notice the response of the person or people receiving it, and whatever that shows you. Do not despair if they do not seem to receive it. The most important thing here is that you offer it.
  3. Thank the old symbol and your Spiritual Source for serving and helping you until now.
  4. Decide whether you can literally bring this new symbol into your everyday life for a couple of weeks to subconsciously remind you and to replace the gap that the departure of the symbol has left. You can use this new symbol to induce and integrate a new response or wellness. This can be done by putting the drawing on the wall or obtaining the symbol in some way.
  5. Trust that your mind has done its work, that all is well, and that your body will begin to physically dispel this feeling naturally, if it hasn’t done so already. Trust and give yourself permission to release or detoxify in whichever way is most natural for you. (This could be through tears, sweating, sinuses, bowels or bladder over several days to a week. Be aware that you may feel a sense of grieving and/or celebrating a new freedom. Drink lots of water.)
  6. Optional: Share your experience only with someone who can support you.
  7. You can repeat this exercise again and again to continue the transformative process.



There are many different ways you can experience this. All are valid and there is no wrong way to do this. Trust your experience.

Here are some possibilities:

  • At any time during this process the first image or feeling changes and becomes a more positive or healed image or feeling.
  • The first image changes, and the second (new) image is less comfortable, perhaps even stronger and more painful than the original image. This means you have accessed something perhaps more true to the cause of the problem, more honest. For example, the second image may be very angry or outraged, whereas the first image was one of slight frustration. Simply repeat the exercise with the second image and feeling as the starting point, and you will probably experience a major shift.
  • There is resistance to letting the first image change. This is common. Instead of feeling frustrated, or thinking that the exercise isn’t working, shift your focus to the resistance and where that feeling seems to be in your body. Transform that area first, and then recheck the initial area. It may have changed already, or you can focus on that area the next time.
  • Instead of an image or feeling that changes to another, you may find yourself in a new situation, or experience it as a journey from the first to the second, like watching a video. The important thing is to trust whatever you experience.
  • You can also use this exercise to focus on a strong or positive quality or situation you have and enhance it. This is great and strengthens the healthy areas you have in your body, or positive attributes and confidence.

You need to gauge whether a problem is something you can handle. If this does not begin to transform your experience of a physical disturbance or pain, seek professional medical or psychological help. Don’t take the risk – use emergency numbers if required!



Allow yourself up to two weeks for this to integrate. When you store these things in your body, then change them, it is like removing one file from your ‘database’ or mental continuum, and then replacing it with another. This has been done on a spiritual/mental level, and will then move through your emotional level, then your physical level. That may mean you will feel up and down, light then sad, or you may even grieve. This is because, although the old situation was uncomfortable, it was more familiar than this new one. Since the old situation was toxic in your body, it may need to move out physically, looking for any orifice or opening that will allow it to do that. This could be crying, sinuses discharging, sweating, elimination though urine, or even diarrhea. Don’t worry – this is a good thing! Just let it out. Allow it to happen.

It is a good idea to throw out or file the first image you drew or wrote about. Let the second image reinforce the change. Become familiar with it, and it will continue to work subconsciously. Put it on the wall somewhere where you can see it regularly. Another alternative is to select some aspect of the symbol, or the symbol itself, and see if you can literally bring that into your life somehow.

You can do this technique every week, especially if you feel the final image is not a complete healing image and needs a few more steps to feel completely whole or good. You can do it “formally”, the way you have just done it now, or “informally” whenever you are faced with an adverse reaction in everyday life. With practice, it can take the same amount of time to transform this as a trip to the washroom, or a coffee break at work.

As you may have experienced, this technique can be very powerful, and very easy to do. Even children, who are usually quick visualizers and differently abled people can use it.


For more information, please visit www.lamponthepath.org.

Synergy and The Dance of Energy

Leslie Kenton

Many years ago the brilliant Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who isolated vitamin C, was prone to asking a peculiar question at dinner parties: “What is the difference between a living rat and a dead one?” According to the laws of classical chemistry and Newtonian physics there should be no fundamental difference. Szent-Gyorgyi’s reply to his own question was simple yet revolutionary: “Some kind of electricity.” Living systems are first and foremost energy systems. And the ‘electricity’ of which Szent-Gyorgyi spoke is the mysterious life energy, which distinguishes us from inanimate things in the universe.
When it comes to an understanding of just how this life energy can enhance energy, improve health, bring greater clarity and focus to human beings, there is nobody who understands it so deeply as the American healer and teacher Dr. Mitchell May. There is also no nutritional formulation which so perfectly embodies an energetic approach to health and nutrition as the one he created, Pure SynergyÔ. To get a real handle on just how important an energetic approach to health is, you first have to dive into the whole world of energetic mysteries. And when it comes to 21st century healing, life energy is where it’s at. Let’s take a look at the magic of life energy in relation to human health, and then we will come back to May’s fascinating research and the Pure Synergy formulation.

The Order of Energy

Your body is not just a collection of physical and chemical events. Like all living systems it is a unified collection of energy fields. Take action to alter the quality of these fields and you can change the way your body functions – for ill or for good. You can change how you feel or even how you think. In a living organism it is energy, not chemistry or physical form, which is primary. Shift it and the organism will in turn alter itself chemically and physically. This is how acupuncture works and why practicing certain martial arts can affect health and personal power so profoundly. This is also what lies at the core of energy medicine.

A great deal of the most advanced diagnostic equipment used today in orthodox medicine – from ECGs (electrocardiograms) for looking at heart function and EEGs (electroencephalograms) for examining brain function to MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and EMGs (electromyelograms) – already make use of the principles of energy medicine. Rather like Dr. McCoy’s approach to healing on Star Trek, the new energy medicine goes way beyond mere diagnostic techniques such as these. It promises to become the medicine of the 21st century.

Sometimes an energy approach to health and healing employs mind-shifting techniques such as meditation, and body movement like Tai Chi, to improve the way the body feels and functions. At other times it makes use of external energy carriers such as homeopathic remedies or space-age equipment which subject the body to external fields of some sort (magnetic, sonic, acoustic, electrical, light waves). Whatever its source, the aim of all forms of energy treatments, from the use of something as simple as the Bach Flower Remedies to the actions of advanced light beam generators, is to enhance life energy by restoring energetic order. Energetic order is the key to high-level well-being. It lifts vitality and intensifies mental clarity, enhances spiritual awareness, and triggers self-healing while at the same time improving
the specific function of the body’s various organs and systems. Reestablishing energetic order improves the function of all our organs and glands including the liver, adrenals, pituitary and hypothalamus (all of which are responsible for the vital health of the body and control our hormones), and improves the assimilation of nutrients and micro-nutrients from the foods we eat. To understand a little of how this energy dimension works, we need to move into the realm of high level physics – the interface between consciousness and material reality.

Negative Entropy

Two of the most important laws of physics are the laws of thermodynamics. Simply put, they are attempts to understand events in the universe by studying the kind of energy changes which accompany them. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the quantity of energy in the world remains constant. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is simply transmuted from one form to another. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is central to an understanding of why energetic order lies at the core of physical and spiritual well-being, and how energy medicine can be used to enhance health. It is best formulated in terms of entropy, a measure of disorder. This Second Law is known as The Law of Entropy. It describes the way that, left to their own devices, all things in the world become disordered: iron rusts, buildings crumble, and dead flowers decay. In short, everything tends towards maximum entropy, a state of maximum disorder in which all useful energy has been decreased. What is remarkable about living organisms, including our own bodies, and something that continues to puzzles the world’s finest scientific minds, is that, despite the law of entropy, as long as we are alive, our bodies maintain themselves in a state which is fantastically improbable. In the words of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who spent most of his life trying to penetrate this mystery:

Life is a paradox . . . the most basic rule of inanimate nature is that it tends toward equilibrium which is at the maximum of entropy and the minimum of free energy. The main characteristic of life is that it tends to decrease its entropy. It also tends to increase its free energy. Maximum entropy means complete randomness, disorder. Life is made possible by order, structure, a pattern, which is the opposite of entropy. This pattern is our chief possession; it was developed over billions of years. The main aim of our existence is its conservation and transmission. Life is a revolt against the statistical rules of physics. Death means that the revolt subsided and statistical laws resumed their sway.

Of the Highest Order

In a way which no one has ever been able to explain, unlike things in the inorganic world, living organisms are superbly equipped to maintain energetic order. This in turn supports physical and biochemical well-being. It is something which makes virtually no sense within the paradigms of chemistry and Newtonian physics. By rights, there should be little difference in the chemical and physical processes taking place within a living body and those that occur in a corpse; in reality there is every difference in the world. Living systems create a high degree of negative entropy for themselves – despite the fact that events in the universe appear to be running wild to destroy it. Despite the innumerable destructive processes continually going on in and around us, we have the power to resist entropy and to maintain energetic order. Indeed, there is every indication that, so long as we live, we are continually involved in the process of creating even more order. We do this both individually in the repair functions of our cells and enzymatic systems, and also evolutionarily since living organisms continue to differentiate into ever more complex and highly structured organisms as time passes. The better the quality of order in our bodies, the healthier and more vital we remain, regardless of age.

Negative Entropy Means High Level Health

From an energetic point of view, aging is the process that transports our body from an internal state which is highly ordered to one of maximum entropy, i.e., death. There are two ways in which this can happen. Either the energetic order or the biochemical harmony which depends on it is steadily eroded so that the body and mind slowly but surely degenerate (as they do in most people these days). Alternatively,we can take informed action to support energetic order and maintain negative entropy to the highest degree.

By taking the second route, we are able to die young late in life. Such a goal can never be accomplished entirely by manipulating chemistry alone. One of the first scientists to recognize this was another Nobel laureate, the physicist Erwin Schrodinger. He took a close look at the scientific contradictions implicit in the living state and concluded that as long as the human body is alive, it resists entropy and avoids decay via the metabolism – by eating, drinking and assimilating various kinds of information from the environment. In 1944, Schrodinger wrote:

Every process, event, happening – call it what you will; in a word, everything that is going on in Nature means an increase of the entropy of the part of the world where it is going on. Thus a living organism continually increases its entropy – or as you may say, produces positive entropy – and thus tends to approach the dangerous state of maximum entropy, which is death. It can only keep aloof from it, i.e. alive, by continually drawing from its environment negative entropy . . . What an organism feeds upon is negative entropy . . . which is in itself a measure of order. Thus the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment.

From an energetic point of view, our body is an open, living system. As such, it is constantly processing energetic and chemical information which comes not only through the kinds and combinations of foods we eat, the way we prepare and process them, but also from the air we breathe, the ideas on which we allow our minds to play, and the electromagnetic environment in which we live. As Schrodinger believed, and as long traditions of natural medicine in Europe and the Orient have taught, to ensure a high degree of vitality and to protect ourselves from degeneration, we need to “suck order” from our environment. To maintain the kind of energetic order that best fosters health and spiritual development, we need a constant supply of the living “information” from the outside world.

Biophotons and Quantum Magic

Long ago, quantum physicists established that wave particles such as electrons, atoms and molecules, behave in living systems as biophoton energies. These energies appear to help regulate and control enzyme activities, cell reproduction, and other activities in living systems. Experiments such as those reported in an article by Brumer and Shapiro (in Scientific American, March 1995) has established the existence of these particle/wave reactions in organisms. Like light bulbs, atoms give out radiant bio-energies which can either act constructively or destructively on the molecules in the body. Scientists are beginning to define how interference wave forms generated both by toxins manufactured internally and by environmental pollutants act destructively on the body interfering with the harmonious biophoton energies – another name for life energies – on which health, vitality, and protection from premature aging depend. Within the next decade, we are going to hear a lot more about these biophoton energies and their effects on our health. For now, we can still make practical use of the knowledge we already have to influence them for healing and regeneration.

Energy Consciousness

From the point of view of quantum physics, as human beings we are not only immersed in energy fields, our bodies, our minds, our selves, we are energy fields. These fields are constantly expanding, contracting and changing as our thoughts, diet, and lifestyle change. The aim of any form of natural treatment, be it dietary changes, detoxification, hydrotherapy, exercise or meditation, is first to enhance positive bio-energies in an organism and second, to help balance them and create order. Many researchers now work with bio-energies and the kind of transformations they can bring about.

Sheer Radiance

At the Parapsychology Research Laboratories at University of California Los Angeles, Dr. Thelma Moss experimented with Kirlian photography to examine, record and analyze the unique energetic patterns living things emanate. Kirlian photographs are extraordinarily beautiful and are just one of the ways non-visible force fields around and through living and non-living things can be recorded visually and studied. Researchers have found they get consistent results when working with the Kirlian method to photograph plants and foods in order to compare cooked foods with their raw counterparts, for instance, or the leaf of a healthy plant with the leaf of a damaged one. The luminescent energy corona recorded on film of a living thing such as a healthy plant, or one of the superfoods, such as organically grown herbs, wild-crafted algae, organic green juices, plant enzymes, is significantly stronger, more radiant, and more expansive than that of a processed food. The corona produced by well-harvested spirulina or an organic raw carrot or cauliflower is dramatically reduced when these foods are cooked or processed. Uncooked vegetables and fruits radiate brilliant spikes of light, harmoniously surrounded by geometric shapes whereas cooked and processed foods show only the dimmest evidence of corona discharge. Foods, plants, and herbs with a wide corona carry a lot of the life energy useful for rejuvenation.

Etheric Forces

Chromatography is another tool useful for studying energy. It is widely used in chemistry, biology, medicine and industry to analyze complex substances such as the amino acids in a protein or to detect impurities in a compound. The use of chromatography to measure energy differences between living things, and between natural and synthetic substances, was originally developed by European chemist Ehrenfreid Pfeiffer.

Early on in his career, Pfeiffer was asked by the German mystic Rudolph Steiner to find a chemical reagent that could be useful in charting the quality of life energy in living forces – what Steiner called the formative etheric forces in living matter. After experimenting with many different substances, Pfeiffer discovered that when he added extracts of living plants to a solution of copper chloride and let it evaporate slowly, it would produce a beautiful pattern of crystallization typical of the species of the plant used. Radiant form and shape consistently correlate with the life strength of the plant. Pfeiffer established that strong crystallization patterns indicated health and vitality, whereas weak ones indicated poor health.

Nowadays, scientists working with techniques like chromatography, Kirlian photography, photomicrography and polarized light field photography confirm that certain foods, herbs and plant products carry high levels of harmonious bio-energy (see photos). These tools can be used to enhance our perceptions of the beauty of a living organism’s energy patterns. So can techniques of breathing, meditation and deep relaxation as well as the laying on of hands or spiritual healing, hydrotherapy, body work and autogenics. All of these things can be helpful to the rejuvenation process.

Healing the Impossible

Some of the most interesting research in the area of life force are the energy treatments for healing and regeneration of the American healer Dr. Mitchell May. At the age of 22, May was in a car accident that rendered him profoundly damaged. He lost several inches of bone from his legs, and the tissue and nerve damage was extensive. He lay in extreme and unrelievable pain. His physicians told him he would never walk again and they insisted that it was necessary to have his right leg amputated (which he refused to do). They also informed him that his immune system would be permanently compromised and that his health would be severely restricted for the rest of his life. May was fortunate enough to have been hospitalized at one of the most important medical research centers in the world, the University of California Medical Center at Los Angeles. There he became part of a special study involving ongoing experiments into life force healing and extra-sensory perceptions using skilled spiritual healers working under strict scientific controls. He met and worked with a very gifted healer named Jack Gray. Gray had the ability to activate powerful and natural healing life force energies within a person. After only a week of Gray’s treatment, May discovered he was able to turn off and on his experience of excruciating pain using what Gray taught him.

Energy Healing

May became fascinated with the whole area of life force healing and became an apprentice to Gray. He developed an interest in states of consciousness, subtle energies, and in discovering ways to enhance life force through the use of spiritual healing, and plant foods and biological compounds which have a particularly high quality of energetic radiation. May’s own story is one of the most well-documented studies of impossible recovery in medical annals. Not only did his body heal, he was able to learn to walk again and now, almost 25 years later, he has full use of his body. In the process he has also become one of the most respected and acclaimed healers in the world.

During the period of his recovery, May worked intimately with Gray and with Dr. Thelma Moss in her Parapsychology Research Laboratory at UCLA, photographing energy patterns around foods and other nutritional substances. He also carried out wide searches in scientific literature and conferred with physicists, health professionals, doctors and practitioners of natural medicine, both those trained in Western science and in Oriental health traditions. He set out to discover, test, and record information about specific foods and plant compounds that could enhance human health – not only chemically by supplying an abundance of vitamins, minerals, phyto-antioxidants and immune enhancers, but also by providing an abundance of life force. May wanted to find ways to help people achieve their fullest energy, vitality, wholeness, and maximum health and well-being.

Entranced by Beauty

Before long, May became totally fascinated by the beauty of energy patterns certain foods and plants emitted. He also became convinced – as had many researchers before him and since – that the fundamental processes of healing and rejuvenation depend on intensifying the life force within an individual and then helping to bring about a harmonization and balance of its movements within the individual’s living system. He saw that there was great potential to help people by working with their energies. He also discovered (as have practitioners of natural medicine) that it is not just food and plants that can enhance the life force. He experimented with many forms of meditation and breathing, shifts in attitudes of mind, various healing modalities, and energy-shifting exercise which enable us to awaken the life force within.

Most of all, he loved working with plants. Slowly and painstakingly, he identified plants, algae, mushrooms, sprouted seeds and grains that carry an abundance of this life energy. He also found they could be used to intensify a person’s life energy and help to create coherent and harmonious patterns of energy within. As early researchers into the healing effects of living foods, such as Dr. Max Bircher-Benner and Dr. Max Gerson, had insisted, plants are holders and emitters of quantum sunlight – life force which we can use to our advantage. When we consume these plants either fresh and live or after proper harvesting and drying, the life force of these plants is actually transferred to us.

Perfect Balance

May’s highly practical experiments were carried out over 20 years ago. Having identified foods and plants with a particular abundance of life force, May furthered his research by looking for a synergistic balance that would heighten their powers for healing so that the energies of each balanced and enhanced the energies of the others. Out of his work came what I believe to be the most remarkable and potent nutritional supplement that I have ever come across. It contains 62 of nature’s most potent and nourishing components including organically grown freeze-dried herbs, organically grown immune-supporting mushrooms, plant enzymes, freeze-dried royal jelly, wild-crafted algae, organic green juices and many other natural ingredients. It is called Pure Synergy® because its ingredients are combined in such a way that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Because Pure Synergy® is so well-balanced, it can be safely taken each day. In order to ensure that Pure Synergy® is at its most lively energetic state, May flash-cold dries ingredients so that they are not robbed of nutrients during heat processes, and then packages them in hermetically-sealed glass bottles so that oxidation and degradation are prevented. To my mind, it is the finest superfood made (see resources).

Energetic Rejuvenation
Dr. May, and others like him, such as Dr. David Peat and Dr. Robert O Becker (nominated twice for the Nobel Prize), have delved deeply into the field of subtle energies. Their work is helping to build bridges between orthodox, chemically based, allopathic medicine (which, until recently, paid little attention to the energetic aspects of healing) and the ancient traditions of medicine which have always viewed healing as an energy art. Breathing, movement, thoughts and dreams, as well as the foods that we eat, all contribute to active energy “information” or life “intelligence” which is capable of bringing about a continuous circulation of harmonious energy to transform and heal the body. Energy medicine will undoubtedly become the medicine of the 21st century. Products such as Pure Synergy® may prove to be essential tools for all of us who want to live richer, more vital and aware lives.


For more information about Mitchell May’s products, pls visit www.thesynergycompany.com.

What the Hummingbird and the Flowers tell us – On Energy Massage

Scott Taylor, a professional Energy Massage Therapist, possesses a unique ability to see the energy field surrounding the human body. As such, he is able to massage an individual according to his needs.

Scott’s introduction to energy massage at the Lapis Lazuli Light Total Health Workshop in U.S.A. made us realise that every kind of work has its own significance and meanings. The crux of it lies in whether and how we can find or create that special meaning in our daily. He also encouraged us not to be afraid of changes. When we feel that we should not be continuing with our present job, or that we no longer like our job, we should perhaps take a break and consider. This may be the time to set new goals for ourselves and for everybody else; the time to create a better future.

Let us first take a look at Scott’s theory on how the human body heals itself. Physical substances as well as energy flows throughout the human body. When either of these is obstructed in the body, pain, aches or other illness surface. Every organ in our body requires space to function properly. Whenever necessary, they make use of this space to self-heal. Obstruction in the flow of energy causes the organs to tighten and contract, thereby affecting the mobility of the physical substances in the body. For example, if our brain shrinks in size, there will not be sufficient space for it to function properly. In turn, it cannot exert control on other body organs to ensure their normal functioning. Excitement, mental pressure and anger are all factors that block this flow of energy. Whenever energy or other substance in the body flow too slowly or too quickly, it affects the condition of the body. Wherever these substances gather and concentrate, there will be pain.

If a person met with an accident when under stress or in anger, these negative energy freeze on the bones or other parts of the body. To “unfreeze” these situations, the therapist has to understand the energy space and mentality of the patient at the time of the accident. With this, he can proceed with more effective treatment.

Next is the role energy massage plays in helping the body to heal. When energy contacts body tissues, human consciousness usually rises above normal. Let’s call it the paranormal conscious state of mind. (Author thinks that this is identical to the “equipoise state of mind during meditation”) While in this paranormal state of consciousness, the body starts its process of self-healing. In similarity to the body needing space to heal, any change or adjustment in the physical substance requires space. The job of the therapist is to gain effective contact with the human body, and in turn dispense the energy cramped negatively in parts of the body, and to promote a balanced flow of energy to all parts of the body. This allows the body tissue to contact with the energy and hence propel one into the paranormal state of consciousness. Under this state of mind, a “para-space” is created. This is equivalent to having created a huge receptacle (of space), allowing energy to flow freely. Having the space to move, the confined and concentrated particles in the body re-starts their activity and returns the body structure to normal. In turn, mental and physical pain lessen and disappear eventually.

Of course, energy massage is not the only way to allow one to enter the paranormal state of consciousness. Music and meditation have a similar effect. Eating right, being healthy and regular meditation can lead one toward this paranormal state of consciousness. Scott says that treatment by energy massage cannot be expressed by words alone. The difference between energy massage and traditional Chinese treatment is that in energy massage, it is the patient who treats himself, and not the therapist.

Scott said that everyone can do energy massage. The crux of it is to stay calm and relaxed while massaging someone. The massager has to be conscious of the massagee’s reaction to the therapy. By and by, both therapist and patient will start to feel the flow of energy between them.

What the therapist contact are normally muscles ad bones. Bones are the most dense or concentrated parts of the body, and energy flows fastest in them. At the same time, the bones themselves carry memories that stretches beyond our present lives. In the process of treatment, para-space is created, and the patient enters into a state of paranormal consciousness, his memory will not remain at a fixed point. Perhaps scenes from his childhood will flash through his mind.

Energy massage is different from traditional massage in that, instead of applying pressure on the body, the therapist tries to raise or stretch the patient’s energy level, which promotes better flow. On different people, this will have different healing effects. For individuals who are seriously injured, they will need to undergo therapy early. Delay will cause the injury to fixate itself in the body.

Scott says that one accumulates vast physiological and psychological hurt in his life. One session of therapy can perhaps only get rid of the tip of an ice-berg, or it can propel the ice-berg to emerge from the water slightly, which may result in pain. As such, one session may not be bring about the desired effect. We can draw a comparison at the inability to really taste water until we have drunk plenty. In addition, complementing a positive level of energy with other forms of therapy such as eating healthy, regular exercising can reap high rewards i.e. speedy healing and recovery.

The query that may arise is, why then, can’t we treat ourselves, and have to rely on someone else to help us? Scott explains that the human body is structured in such a way that “mutual reliance” is required in the healing process. In this fast-paced society, where tension is everywhere and in everyone, a professional therapist can do wonders in the healing of our bodies. However, it is important to note that in energy massage, the therapist does not transfer energy to the patient. He is also not to pursue a one-minded track of seeking positive result. The original purpose of energy massage is to help one activate the healing potential within oneself. Scott says that he cares for people, and not for the events that happen to people. He releases anything that comes to him, be it mental or physical, after he is done with the therapy, and takes break whenever he feels tired. The crux is not to force himself to exceed what he can achieve for one patient. It took him five years to realise this, and he will not hesitate to advise others to slow down and step back when they are tired.

To Scott, it is important to maintain a satisfactory level of energy level, as energy is food for the body. When having a high level of energy, the body is able to attract positive forces, just like a full-bloom flower is able to draw beautiful Hummingbird. We are better able to create our own future, to fulfil our wishes and accomplish what we want to. This is similar in concept to the spiritual way of living of the aborigines described in the book ‘Mutant Message Down Under’.

According to Scott, ideally, everyone should have a taste of such unhurried and spiritual life at least once in his lifetime. He explains that pain is not to be feared too, as it can be a force propelling one towards never-before realisation.

Scott encourages us to affect and think of other people positively. This attitude lends a good hand in the creation of our own future. For example, if we think that someone cannot help in alleviating our pain and heal us, then he most certainly will not be able to, as whatever he attempts will not be able shake that earlier mindset. Trust, love and support are the forces behind Scott’s ability to help others heal. Therefore, we should make use of activated energy to affect the people around us positively.

We can increase our energy field through massage, meditation and healthy eating, and one day we may find ourselves able to help others to heal too. Of course, our energy field may be different from that of Scott’s, as he explains that everyone is unique in the universe. Increasing our energy field allows us to open our eyes and see the mission we are to accomplish in this life.

Extracted from Lapis Lazuli Light Magazine 97 Aug Issue
Translated by Singapore Lapis Lazuli Light