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EM and health – in homes and buildings

From Dr Teruo Higa’s Speech

Effective Micro-organism (EM) was originally used in agriculture, especially when technology was being developed to replace chemical fertilisers and pesticides. During the development process, there were many discoveries and one outstanding finding was its ability to eliminate odour and make water clearer. Also, things would not rust or spoil easily.

In a very big barn in Hokkaido, it was observed that when EM was continually used, the cement actually returned to the look of fresh concrete. Even rust from reinforced steel was removed and the surface became bright and shiny. Rakes and some large equipment that were used in the barn regained their shine. Given these incidents, EM should be used broadly since materials can return to their original states. These were recurring incidents.

Antioxidant substances

I conducted some research on the substances that produce these results and discovered that there are no special substances in EM but just antioxidant ingredients. In simple terms, it is like saponin in Korean Ginseng, enzymes in papaya and polysaccharide in other herbs. EM has all these substances. Components of EM also include olizanol (a polysaccharide found in grains such as rice), inosedol and so on.

Various other mineral nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and manganese are presented in the form of chelated substances. These chelated substances are characterized by having an anti-oxidation effect while possessing catalytic actions. There are dozens of these chelates in EM.

In other aspects, in “DNA slices” there are microbial genetic components even though it may not be obvious on the surface. The genetic components feature ingredients that can repair biological genetic defects and restore them piece by piece.

As mentioned earlier, EM has a strong anti-corrosive effect. For example, stapler sometimes gets rusty. Spray on the stapler, wipe it back and forth and the stapler regains its original lustre.

Electromagnetic waves, radiations and waste gases

Whenever I feel uncomfortable with the surrounding environment, I would spray the area with EM. I notice that it could eliminate electrostatic. I sprayed EM on television and even the computer and found that EM could help me withstand harm from electromagnetic waves. I also sprayed EM on the refrigerator, gas stove, etc. I spray EM everywhere. Besides preventing rust, EM can effectively transform the environment to better energy.

It was also proven that EM can prevent harm from radiation. If there is radiation, just spray some EM.

The so-called radiation damage refers to the condition where the initially intact material deteriorates gradually. The reason for this damage is oxidation. The culprit which generates strong oxidative reaction is called “free radicals”. I later found that EM could quickly and effectively eliminate “free radicals”.

EM can be used in various ways. For example, various pesticides have been used in the past and almost all have accumulated in the soil. I sprayed the ground with EM in order to cultivate EM massively. The result was that all the pesticides disappeared without a trace after the first harvest.

Similar incidents also happened in Guam. To date, Japan still bans the use of pesticides like BHC and DDT. A company used huge quantity of these pesticides and received protests from the United States authorities that stressed that if the pesticides cannot decompose and the land is not cleaned up, the company would be penalised. The case dragged on for three years.

In the end, EM was used to remedy the condition. Since a considerable amount of herbicide was used on the land, there was a large quantity of dioxin residues. After using EM, not only did the dioxins disappear, BHC and DDT also decomposed completely. Therefore, EM technology can solve problems caused by dioxins and also break down formation of dioxins. Plastic products, when burned with other garbage in high temperature of 100°C to 500°C would produce hydrocarbons. When EM is added, the dioxins combusted completely above 100°C and no dioxin is produced.

The Unbelievable photosynthetic bacteria

The most important microorganism in EM is called photosynthetic bacteria. These incredible bacteria can generate energy and resist high heat. If the photosynthetic bacteria is mixed with clay and baked at 1000°C, crushed into powder to re-culture, then exposed to UV radiation, they could regenerate. The bacteria cannot be harmed by heat.

Typically, photosynthetic bacteria cannot survive alone. They must be combined with other bacteria. These bacteria can be found in any ditch, but photosynthetic bacteria have to choose which bacteria to bond with. If incompatible, it is impossible for the bacteria to bond.

For example, if methanogens (methane bacteria) or sulphate-reducing bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria are put together, photosynthetic bacteria would almost refuse to split until after the death of the other parties. Then they will continue to grow.

On the other hand, if the photosynthetic bacteria are isolated with lactic acid bacteria or yeasts, incredible proliferation occurs immediately. These are ubiquitous microorganisms and with successful pairing, can produce incredible phenomena and also possesses a wide range of functions.

Regeneration and degeneration

Degeneration of things in nature are caused by oxidation. It is possible to prevent or inhibit oxidation (antioxidation). When anti-oxidation reaches a certain intensity, things will move towards the direction of regeneration. So regeneration and degeneration is dependent on oxidation and anti-oxidation.

Many micro-organisms already have such determining factors. Harmful micro-organisms, such as escherichia coli have strong oxidizing microbial enzymes that can momentarily induce molecules toward destruction.

However, microbes such as photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria or natto bacteria can enhance antioxidant power. As substances are induced into the state of regeneration, energy is absorbed swiftly and thus healthy state is restored. Similar explanations may be applied to all lives that exist in the nature.

In Aichi Prefecture, there is a communal vegetable garden that uses EM. Many people shared that their body’s pains was eliminated by just going to that vegetable garden. I, myself, also find it hard to believe.

Eliminating pathogens in the house

I have been wondering if there is any way to utilise EM in civil engineering and architecture. EM has a strong deodorizing ability. Not only can EM remove the smell of urine and faeces, it can also eradicate the smell of chemical substances.

Odour from chemicals is caused by strong oxidation. To prevent mould, ticks, etc. that may cause skin allergy, EM was sprayed indoors continuously. The result is that not only fungi and ticks have disappeared, severe asthma and atopic dermatitis conditions of residents have also vanished.

Today, there are so-called pathogenic or ‘’sick’’ houses. There are claims that inhaling the paint of new building materials or adhesive agents of such houses may cause new occupants to be sick.

To solve the problems of these coatings, raise the EM concentration to about 500 times and keep spraying the rooms. We discovered that since the first day of spraying, odours such as formalin that were emitting from the building materials have disappeared.

Research shows that EM has a very active interface. After using EM, the binding of water molecules simplify and becomes easy to separate. This is why EM has a very effective waterproof function.


Use EM to construct a house

The first thing to do when building a house is to transform the bottom layer of the land into healing ground. It was mentioned before that when EM is used continually, the people who work in the fields would become very healthy. So the first step is to start with the land.

In order to have strong activation of EM, spray large quantity of EM around building compound. In Nishiogikubo, Tokyo, an EM building that has a basement and three floors was built. Power consumption in this building is reduced by about 30% a month. There is no smell of paint and other coatings. The concrete surface looks very smooth and does not need special processing.

EM is also used to prevent termites and corrosion of building materials and to treat recycled water. In the termite’s belly, there is an enzyme called lignin. When EM is used, the termites die from diarrhea. So, it is more effective to use EM instead of pesticides.

The same goes for water treatment of the house. Installing more storage tanks is pointless. Even after the dry season is over, the quantity of rainwater stored is still limited, so even if the storage tank is filled with water, it has limited use. The solution is to design a system that can recycle the stored water hundreds and thousands of times.

If this recycled water is used to wash cars, it stops corrosion, saves petrol and prevents static electricity, etc. These are testimonies we frequently hear from the Gushikawa City Library, Okinawa, Japan.

If one dares not drink this recycled water, the water could be used repeatedly for laundry, shower or flushing the toilet. If this water is not enough, rainwater can also be recycled. With the above application, the whole house will be at a high antioxidant state.


Reducing power consumption

In Hiroshima, someone did a complete implementation of this recycling system. The electricity usage decreased by 55% and the owner was suspected of manipulating the meter box. Evidence from electricity bills for the past 3 years showed the difference. Comparing the latest bills with those from the two previous years, the bill amount had dropped after using the system.


The shaving blade experiment

I would like to invite you to do a validation experiment. Generally hotels provide cheap razors. Please shave with this razor. After shaving, spray the blade with EM. Shave again the next day, and then spray the EM again. Repeat continually. After a month, you will find the blade to be much sharper than it was at the beginning. EM will also sharpen the farm equipment whatever material the farm utensils are made of. One of the reasons is due to gravity wave resonance.

Usually, when material degenerates, energy or light is generated. In the case of EM, we see the phenomenon that energy is being accumulated and this energy restores the material to the normal or even enhanced state. For example, after using a new razor blade, if we immerse it in EM and observe, we find that immediately after use, the blade is slightly dented. The next day, when we look at it under microscope, the blade has recovered to its original state. Our research reveals that compared to the initial measurements, the mass and energy have both increased. The blade was sharper than a week or a month ago. I often bring home cheap razors from hotels. They could be used for almost two months. It really makes a difference. For those who do not believe this, try it!


How to create and maintain conditions for anti-oxidation?

Here are a few examples: if there is a potted plant in the house, add about 10 EM ceramic beads into the pot and the indoor air turns fresh and pleasant. If the ceramic beads are placed in the air conditioner outlet or inside the air conditioner, the effect is just as impressive.

Whether it is furniture or interior decoration, EM has a rejuvenation effect for highly-sensitive humans. It can also regenerate all objects. So, when EM combines well with the environment, humans can prolong their lives.


Accumulate virtue to receive good fruit

Many things after accumulating to a certain level will on a whole elevate to a higher level. A boat will rise when the water level increases.

All bad things, if done continuously, result in a strong “oxidising” or corrosive environment and the so-called vicious cycle will occur. The same applies to human willpower.

When the cycle becomes good, all the good things will become better, forming a virtuous cycle. The so-called “good fruit” was originally a religious term. When we continually induce virtue, everything will accumulate and lead to a virtuous cycle.

And this EM technology is viewed as a future-oriented “good fruit” technology.

The use of EM technology can contribute to society as well as benefit ourselves. When we contribute to others, it is not to expect their gratitude but to do good and to accumulate hidden merit. This is why I promoted EM via public welfare activities. Now, I uphold the spirit of promoting EM as creating hidden merit.

“Hidden” merit means not expecting anything in return and seeking only to benefit others. Do more good deeds and blessings will follow. But when we expect returns, all merits will vanish.

A thorough application of EM technology will benefit individuals, families, the people and environment. So we treat EM technology as the common property of all mankind. In using EM research institutions as a hub to guide the world with EM-related technologies, we hope that everyone can join this activity in transforming our living space and also benefit from using EM. This will further enhance our living environment. Thank You.


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Lapis Lazuli Light.


The above is an edited translated extract of the Chinese article published in May 2013 issue of Lapis magazine and is accessible online at: http://www.lapislazuli.org/tw/index.php?p=20130503.html