Guan Bei Fen (Shanghai)
Episode 1
My elder sister (age 58) was admitted into The Fourth People’s Hospital in the Hong Kou District in early March 1998. Tests revealed that there were stones measuring 5mm in diameter on both sides of the kidneys. Present in the biliary tract duct was also a stone measuring 17mm across. As a result, my sister suffered intense pain. I received the phone call from my sister at 3pm and rushed to the hospital to assess her condition before hurrying to the market to buy lemon, honey and some other accessories. Early next morning, I told my sister to drink lemon juice and to take the juice of 6 lemons a day. At home, I prepared some vegetables (kelp, soybean sprout, etc). The main food is wholemeal bread. Only 70% of the appetite is satisfied each day. In addition, supplements consisting of 1 glass of carrot juice, 1 fruit, sugar cane and a bottle of kidney tonic soup (*1) was taken. During daily visits at the hospital, I scrubbed her back with a dry towel until the skin became red.
Her doctors had initially planned to remove the stones by invasive surgery. However, the patient felt intense pain during urination on the third day… a kind of lingering tenderness that was rather unbearable. I understood this symptom to be the result of stones being discharged through the urethra. I followed up by giving my sister apple juice for the next three days. Doctors who ordered an X-ray in preparation for the surgery, were surprised to find the kidney stones missing. They dismissed the issue as a mistake made during my sister’s admission to the hospital.
Two days later, i.e., after 8 days to hospital; doctors ordered a scan of the urethra to find out whether the stones have gone into the urethra. The result was negative. That night, my sister started a natural therapy for removal of gallstones (*2) with her again, resulting in the stones being discharged with the bowel movement. The hospital performed a total of 10 scans, which revealed no traces of the kidney stones. Since no stone was discovered and my sister patient was in good condition, she was discharged from the hospital. All money deposited with the hospital in anticipation of the surgery and hospital charges were refunded.
After being discharged from the hospital, my sister made a special effort to continue drinking lemon juice to cleanse the liver. The duration of each therapy duration was 10 days and she completed 2 treatments. She would drink lemon drink diluted with water as a normal beverage and has since been in good health.
*1 please refer to the book titled “Make A Healthier Choice” for details
*2 please refer to the book titled “Pursuit of Life” by Dr Chiu-Nan Lai for details
Episode 2
There was a 77-year-old lady who shared the same room with my sister during her stay in the hospital. She was suffering from kidney stones and the doctors advised her to undergo surgery to have the stones removed. I shared the experience with her and persuaded her to try the removal of kidney stones with lemon juice remedy, 4 lemons a day. The old lady gladly undertook the challenge. Next day, the pain subsided substantially, and she was able to get out of bed to move around. By the third day, the old lady was able to walk out of the hospital and there was no need for surgery anymore. She continued with the remedy at home. Her family was surprised by the effectiveness of such a simple method! Thanks to Dr Chiu-Nan Lai for publishing this in the Lapis Lazuli Light Magazine periodical.