Jan – Mar 1998
Sun Qi Yuan
Modern medicine considers bone marrow transplants as the most advanced treatment for leukemia patients. However, based on my personal observation and experience over the past 10 years, I consider marrow transplants as a cruel and destructive method that violates nature.
The human body is not a machine, and therefore cannot be dictated by any microscopic or macroscopic scientific research. Healing the human body is different from repairing a machine and cannot be treated like engineering/construction projects.
The biggest error in marrow transplants is that the body’s immune system and ability to self-regulate is destroyed in order to prevent the rejection of ‘foreign’ implants. This is to ensure the success of the marrow transplant.
However, the immune system is the basis for a human’s survival and growth. Its destruction is akin to breaking the roots of a tree, and no life can be expected to survive normally.
Actual practice and experience should be the basis for assessing the truth of a claim. I will discuss a few cases below so that we can learn from their painful lessons:
Case 1
Miss Lu Li Yun is a Hong Kong citizen aged 40 who contracted leukemia six years ago. In 1992, through the introduction of Miss Zhang Yu Bin, she started to seek treatment by corresponding through the mail. Miss Zhang had acute leukemia. She rejected chemotherapy but instead sought treatment from a Chinese physician and has since recovered for nearly 10 years. I frequently corresponded with Miss Lu on treatment methods and sent her medicine. This went on for a few years.
On December 28, 1993, Miss Lu suddenly flew to Shanghai with her husband to seek consultation. She was very weak and stayed in Shanghai for only 2 days before returning to Hong Kong. Since she could not seek reimbursement for medical expenses incurred in Shanghai, she decided to seek hospital treatment in Hong Kong. In winter of 1996, the hospital arranged for a bone marrow transplant for Miss Lu. When I received the news, I quickly tried to persuade her against it, but she was not in a position to make her own decision and could only abide by the arrangements made for her.
On April 15, 1997, Miss Zhang wrote to me with bad news. Miss Lu Li Yun had passed away on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. A few weeks after she had the marrow transplant, she developed breathing difficulties and died.
This is one of many who sacrificed her life in the belief that marrow transplant can cure the disease. Poor Miss Lu, what an innocent, diligent lady. Whenever I recall how enthusiastic she was when she visited my home, I would shed tears uncontrollably.
Case 2
In mid-September of 1997, I received an express mail from Mr. He Jin Hui, a Hong Kong citizen. The letter sought help for his daughter, Miss Ho Wan Yi, whose medical condition was rapidly deteriorating after a bone marrow transplant. I quickly replied to his letter on September 29, 1997 and offered some prescription. A week later, Mr. Ho called me from Hong Kong telling me that his daughter was still suffering from a high fever. Doctors were fighting for her life, and he wanted to know if I could help. I prescribed some Chinese medicine which she should take as soon as possible. A few days later, however, I was informed by a friend from Shanghai that Miss Ho had died from lung infection and high fever before she could take the Chinese medicine. The suffering experienced by Miss Ho and her family is not difficult to imagine!
Case 3
Five years ago, an official from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University wrote to me. He wanted me to help a school mate from Taiwan’s Jiao Da University who contracted leukemia while studying in the USA.
This schoolmate had undergone bone marrow transplant but suffered a relapse. I replied immediately with a prescription: (1) stop the chemotherapy treatment to avoid accelerating death; (2) change his diet, take vegetarian meals and have more light meals; (3) use Chinese medicine. Because the body’s immune system had been destroyed after the marrow transplants, it was necessary to nourish the kidney and liver to build up his immune system. Recovery is possible only by matching the nature of the illness with the appropriate treatment (e.g., cooling the body; clearing the body of toxins and phlegm; and clearing the blood).
It is, however, not easy to consult a Chinese physician in the USA. Hence it is better to seek Chinese medical treatment in Taiwan or China.
Case 4
This patient, Mr. Du, was a 22-year-old American born Chinese. In November 1992, he was diagnosed by the Hua Shan Hospital in Shanghai as having acute lymphatic leukemia. He returned to the USA for treatment and a bone marrow transplant. Although the operation was successful, he had a relapse soon after.
In August 1993, Mr. Du’s family asked Dr. Zhang Rong Guo, a Chinese physician from Shan Dong’s Lu Bo Poo city, to fly to USA to save Mr. Du. As a precaution, Dr. Zhang first wrote to me for my opinion. I advised him to quickly try to save Mr. Du. I also indicated that he should make it clear to Mr. Du’s family that the bone marrow transplant would destroy Mr. Du’s life line, and recovery may be difficult. Dr. Zhang flew to the USA to treat Mr. Du using the Chinese medical approach.
However, Mr. Du’s immune system had been severely damaged and though there was a brief respite, he did not recover. By then, Mr. Du’s family had spent a huge sum of money and suffered emotionally.
Case 5
In 1994, the son of Mr. Qi, a Canadian Chinese, contracted acute leukemia shortly after he was married. Mr. Qi’s son underwent many courses of chemotherapy. Mr. Qi, accompanied by my friend Mr. Du, came to seek my diagnosis, Mr. Qi bought some Chinese herbs and medicine for his son whose condition was stabilized after taking this treatment, Mr. Qi’s son was even able to go on outings and meals with his friends. Mr. Qi and his family wanted a swift recovery, and their relatives had high regard for the advanced medical research in the USA. Hence, Mr. Qi’s son went to a large hospital in the USA for a bone marrow transplant and spent US$200,000 on the initial treatment and over US$100,000 for subsequent treatments.
Because Mr. Du’s son had severe impairment to his kidney, liver and immune system after the transplant, he eventually passed away in pain and without recovering. I had tried to dissuade Mr. Qi’s family against the bone marrow transplant, but to no avail.
The Chinese medical approach would only involve a few hundred US dollars annually and would gradually lead to recovery.
On reflection, I felt that it would have been a great contribution if the US$400,000 spent on the bone marrow transplant had been used to set up an international hospital to treat leukemia using the Chinese approach.
However, this is only a daydream. Even if there were kind-hearted people who were willing to help out, I may be unable to help, since I am already 86 years old. This mission will have to be entrusted for future generations.
Case 6
In July 1996, I was invited by the family of a patient of leukemia to come to Singapore to treat the patient.
During this time, I learnt that a 19-year-old male who had acute leukemia had recovered after undergoing chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant.
During the recovery process, the patient had undergone tremendous suffering and incurred huge medical expenses. The hospital and society members were naturally happy that he had recovered. Unexpectedly, half a year later, his condition worsened, and he passed away despite efforts to save his life.
Case 7
In the spring of 1997, the television station in Shanghai telecast the story of the six-year-old twin brothers, one of whom had leukemia. Medical experts felt that the similarity in the bone marrow of the twins provided an ideal condition for a bone marrow transplant. Upon their persuasion, the twins’ parents agreed to the transplant, which turned out to be successful. The medical and health authorities were delighted. The television station had a segment showing the celebration by the twins, their family, medical workers and the public. Although the community was very positive, I was concerned whether the child would be able to live normally.
In May, I was informed by sources that the child had died from an overly low blood count. Poor innocent child – you were the experimental subject of cold medical science.