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Posts classified under: Workshops by Dr Lai

总觉得自己不够好? —— 认识我们内在的批评家30-7-2024

  • 总觉得自己不够好? —— 认识我们内在的批评家

    它⋯..到底是谁? 通过这个小小的分享,让我们探索自己,认识内在的批评家
  • 30 July, Tue
  • 10:00am-11:00am
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201) Tel: 6287 6268
  • Free class
  • 主讲:陈淑文

Is something bothering you?

  • Is something bothering you?

    Live a life that has heart and meaning through different ways of journalling
    with writing or drawing. It is a powerful tool for mental health and personal growth,
    through your free expression of your emotions. And the process will bring you
    to deeper self-understanding.

    This is an experiential session. Please bring paper (at least A4 sized),
    different coloured pens or pencils, or crayons.

  • Aug 22, Thur 2.30pm - 4.30pm or Sep 21, Sat 11am -1pm or Oct 5, Sat 2.30pm - 4.30pm
  • Aug 22, Thur 2.30pm - 4.30pm or Sep 21, Sat 11am -1pm or Oct 5, Sat 2.30pm - 4.30pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201)
    Tel: 6287 6268 / WhatsApp text only 98186734
  • Free class
  • Speaker: Josephine Bok

Is your childhood running your life?

  • Is your childhood running your life?

    Do you know that your life is shaped by what happens in your childhood?
    Lee Swee Hoon will share real life stories on how we subconsciously behave
    from memories, beliefs and behaviours that we think we have outgrown as adults.

    Yes, the past is over. But the impact of the past often remains.
    Could this subconsciously sabotage what you value most in life?
    Are you unmindfully transmitting values to your children?
    Or unmindfully acting out your parents' values?
    What does "adulting" really mean?

    This talk raises awareness about inner-child healing.
    It is highly suitable for parents and anyone 21 year+ who seek greater self-understanding.

    Please bring notebook & pen for experiential exercises.

  • Aug 24, Sat 11am - 12.30pm or Sep 14, Sat 4pm - 5.30pm or Sep 22, Sun 4pm - 5.30pm
  • Aug 24, Sat 11am - 12.30pm or Sep 14, Sat 4pm - 5.30pm or Sep 22, Sun 4pm - 5.30pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201)
    Tel: 6287 6268 / WhatsApp text only 98186734
  • Free class
  • Speaker: Lee Swee Hoon

Emotional Release for Wellness 07-09-2024

  • Emotional Release for Wellness

    Our body is directly connected to our emotions.
    Do you know the stronger our emotions, the stronger it impacts our body?
    Learn simple and effective exercises to release emotions and stress
    through body scan, energetic exercise and expressive art medium,
    so that it doesn’t build up and overwhelm us.
  • Sep 7, Sat
  • 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201)
    Tel: 6287 6268 / WhatsApp text only 98186734
  • Free class
  • Trainer: Koah Bee Har

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) 17-08-2024

  • Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®)

    Feeling tense, stressed or worried?
    And massages, vacations or sleep do not seem to help?
    Join us in these time-tested series of exercises that will leave you
    feeling relaxed, calm and balanced.

    For more information, visit http://www.traumaprevention.com

    Please bring a yoga mat.

  • Aug 17, Sat
  • 11am - 12.30pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201)
    Tel: 6287 6268 / WhatsApp text only 98186734
  • Free class
  • Trainer: Pang Soh Wan

Strengthening Your Own Power

  • Strengthening Your Own Power

    Live a life that has heart and meaning through strengthening your own power
    with Dan Tian Exercise. This will help you in your wellness, and even be
    the groundwork to achieve your life purposes.

    This is an experiential session.

  • Aug 25, Sun or Sep 19, Thur or Oct 6, Sun
  • 2:30 – 4:00pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201)
    Tel: 6287 6268 / WhatsApp text only 98186734
  • Free class
  • Speaker: Josephine Bok

Falling In Love with Myself Again 27-10-2024

  • Falling In Love with Myself Again

    Have you ever avoided looking directly at yourself in the mirror?
    Ourania will share real life stories on how she winced when she first
    looked at herself in the mirror and gradually discovers that her first love
    affair with herself is subconsciously based on self-hatred before learning
    to truly fall in love with herself again.

    If you do care about loving yourself, do join Ourania on her journey
    of discovering and understanding the difference between falling in love
    with yourself and with the self-image of yourself.
  • Oct 27, Sun
  • 2:30pm – 4:00pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201) Tel: 6287 6268
  • Free class
  • Speaker: Ourania Poon

清除麻醉药和X-光的后遗症 21-08-2024

  • 清除麻醉药和X-光的后遗症


    备注:请自备一包 500g 海盐

  • Aug 21, Wed
  • 2:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Blk 201 Hougang St 21 #01-15 Singapore (530201) Tel: 6287 6268
  • Free class
  • 指导员: 周秀娟