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Posts classified under: 1998

It Is Said That “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”

For those who help themselves, God will fully support and assist. When faced with difficulties, if we persevere and discard the self-pity attitude and take control of ourselves, we will discover that life is full of opportunities and hopes.

In March this year, I was fortunate to meet Ms Huang who came from America. Ms Huang was diagnosed with a serious liver ailment. Despite the fact that the doctors have given her a “death sentence”, she did not lose hope. She overcame her sickness by taking control of herself.

In 1997, Ms Huang discovered that her liver condition worsened and both Chinese and Western medicine had no cure for such a condition. She went for regular medical examinations every three months and found no improvement. Despite her illness, she continued her voluntary activities at the “Victory over Cancer”, a center which promotes natural healing techniques for cancer treatment. At the center, she was able to gather much information which are invaluable.

Destiny led her to a talk organized by the Cancer Society. This talk changed Ms Huang’s life and gave her a new lease of life in the midst of her sickness. Dr Wu is a specialist in lung diseases and in natural healing therapies. He was once a lung cancer patient and recovered from the illness using natural healing techniques. This prompted him to recommend them to his patients and thus, saved many lives.

Dr Wu requested Ms Huang to undergo a four-month treatment during which she was required to fast four times. At the same time, she needed to change her diet; consumed only organic vegetables, fruits, and grains, had to undergo raw food therapy. Initially, Ms Huang was skeptical, and Dr Wu reasoned out that many people are not afraid and do not reject chemically processed medicine but when advised to try natural, healthy, and organic vegetables and fruits, they become uncertain. Isn’t this irrational?

When Ms Huang began fasting on vegetable juices, her family objected. She persisted and diligently recorded her body’s reactions, measured her blood pressure, liver index and body weight. By this time, she could be considered a “specialist” in her own right, as the doctors were unable to save her, and she had to save herself. Ms Huang felt that when one adopts the attitude of “self-rescue”, this could lead to the revival of the immune system of the body. She also felt that illness could be a blessing in disguise because it makes one realize the pains and sufferings of being sickly and lead one to help others who are ill.

Since the commencement of the natural therapy, Ms Huang lost some tens pounds, her liver index and blood pressure came down too. She recorded all bodily reactions to the food she consumed during and after fasting.

Gradually, she noticed that the freckles on her skin disappeared, the color of her finger nails turned for the better, her bowel movements improved tremendously. When she started the second period of fasting, she encouraged her husband to do the same. Her husband also noticed improvements in his heart function and lost a total of thirty-five pounds. For Ms Huang, by the third and fourth round of her fast, health conditions improved so much that she experienced the ease and comfort of a cleansed body and mind. She was filled with joy and gratitude.

This year, Ms Huang returned to Singapore when her mother passed away. She learnt that her elder brother suffers from a serious liver condition and was told that there is no hope for a cure. Ms Huang willingly shared with her brother, her exposure on natural healing therapy and left with no other alternatives, he followed her advice. Within a span of a few days, he was able to move around, and his body was more relaxed.

Ms Huang cured herself from her illness and in turn helped others by imparting to them, the knowledge she has acquired, benefiting the people around her. Her illness became a blessing for those around her!





A Happy Reunion – Meeting Dr Sun in Shanghai

Sun Qi Yuan

Shanghai is a hustling and bustling city filled with neon lights and materialism; it is also a “Wonderland” for those who dare to venture. This place holds special meaning to me as here lives a compassionate physician, Dr Sun.

It was early spring, and the cool weather has not arrived. I hopped on a taxi heading towards Dr Sun’s house. There was no response on knocking at his door. Then, he suddenly appeared before me and I later came to know that he has gone to the main road to meet me.

On stepping into Dr Sun’s tastefully furnished house, I came to realize an elegant house need not be huge. He busily prepared tea and snacks and got his daughter to prepare lunch for me. I was touched by his warm hospitality. He showed me the correspondence and photographs from the Lapis Lazuli Light members, which he treated like his most treasured possessions. He sent his warmest regards to all he met from Lapis Lazuli Light.

It was only the second time I met Dr Sun, but it seemed like we have known each other for a long, long time. He expressed his sadness about some of his patients’ conditions and was consoled by the fact that some of them had recovered. He seemed to treat his patients like they were all his relatives.

Dr Sun gave his views on banning the import of Chinese herbs by some countries. Patients with certain conditions could have been healed if not for the ban. However, the opportunity of recovery was taken away as a result of the authorities’ regulations.

Dr Sun observed that many cancer and leukemia patients consulted Western doctors; however, the electro and chemical treatments could only bring them more pain. He related his encounter with a child who suffered from leukemia. His parents warded him in a hospital and the treatment caused his hair to drop, and he looked exceptionally pale. His condition did not improve after the treatment. He asked his parents why he had looked worse off than before he was warded into the hospital. Dr Sun was already near to his tears at this point.

Dr Sun mentioned that he is writing an article on “Farewell to leukemia in the 21st century” as he hopes that this disease will disappear from the earth by that time. He remarked that he is already 86 and will be 90 by then, “an age to bid the world goodbye”.

At 86, Dr Sun continues to devote his time to researching Chinese medicine and finding a way to cure leukemia. I sincerely wish that there would come a day when all beings are free from the pain of all diseases.

Within a span of a few hours, Dr Sun had answered many patient’s phone calls. His life is definitely not a relaxing one. He should be at an age of retirement and rest, but he has fully made use of every second to heal his patients, contributing to the world of Chinese medicine, I really admire his determination.

All good things have to come to an end. It’s time for me to say goodbye to Dr Sun. He insisted on walking me to the bus station, which was quite a distance from his house. I was embarrassed that I could hardly catch up with this elderly man’s fast walking pace. As the bus arrived, I boarded the bus and waved at him with parting grief. My vision began to blur.