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Posts classified under: 2018

Harmful effects of radio waves, electromagnetic waves, dirty electricity, radio waves and The protection offered by sunlight and red light

Chiu-Nan Lai, PhD

In September of 2018, I listened to a seven-day summit on “EMF and health”. The host was Lloyd Burrell, who lives in France. He was injured from using his mobile phone and became extremely sensitive to electricity overnight. For two years, he sought medical treatment everywhere, but the doctors could not detect any problems. Lloyd felt uncomfortable whenever he used his mobile phone.  He explored different healing approaches and recovered his health. He no longer uses a mobile phone, and he can tolerate using the internet for a short time.  He devotes himself wholeheartedly to educating and assisting other people who have been unknowingly injured by electricity. His educational website is electricsense.com.

The summit invited 34 experts from the United States and Canada, including doctors, researchers, authors, journalists, building biologists, and experts on electricity. Some people engaged in research and education after being injured by electricity.

Lloyd Morgan, an electrical engineer, has 40 years of work experience. One day, he suddenly experienced cramps for 45 minutes and then passed out. He was in the intensive care unit for 14 days. The doctor removed a big tumor from his brain. He asked the doctor about the cause, and the doctor said “electromagnetic fields”. Lloyd was shocked to learn about this as he had never heard of it before. He loved working with electrical appliances since high school, and played with a wireless radio after school. He went back to all the places where he had worked and lived in order to measure the electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the environment. As a result, he found that in the bedroom that he had lived for 30 years, the electric clock at the top of his bed had a reading of 14 milligauss. The clock was just 4 to 6 inches away from his head. Generally, 2 milligauss will increase the risk of blood cancer and brain cancer. The safety range is below 0.1 milligauss.

Another victim was Jack Kruse, a neurosurgeon. The reason he delved into the relationship between EMF and health was that he had a sudden meniscus tear of his knee at the age of forty when he stood up to give a  lecture.  He went to the library to find the answer, and then realized that because he had been working under a fluorescent lamp (blue light) since he was 24 years old, his body’s biological clock was completely out of sync. In a natural environment, the blue light and the red light are present at the same time. Sufficient sunlight exposure is the primary factor in restoring and maintaining health. In the fifteen years since then, he has not missed one day of sunshine at sunrise. Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., the ultraviolet light is stronger, and it is best to avoid direct sunlight during this period.  He educated his members to expose their skin to the sun, and to hide their skin from electric lights at night. If he goes out at night, he always wears long-sleeved clothes, even on hot days. He believes that blue light is the main factor that interferes with health.

Nowadays, the light emitted by all energy-saving bulbs, mobile phones, TVs, computers, iPads and other screens are blue light waves. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) not only have mercury but they also emit radio waves, so it is best  to use incandescent light bulbs. The damage to health from using these energy saving devices is not worth it. The important thing is to turn off the lights when you are not using them and to minimize the amount of lights used in the house..

In terms of safety the next best choice is the Halogen incandescent light bulb.  It is an energy-saving bulb but not a blue light bulb. After sunset, blue light will suppress the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin helps with sleep and is also directly related to our immune function. If you work and live under electric lights during the day, you will lack exposure to red light. It is mentioned in the book “Let There Be Light” that red light nourishes the liver. People’s livers are generally not good now, and it may be related to this factor. If you have to sit in front of the computer for a long time, buy a yellow filter and place it in front of the screen, You can add a small red filter to balance the blue light.

In addition to regulating the biological clock, sunlight also creates Vitamin D3 and breaks down the sugar in the body into carbon dioxide and water. Oxygen is also needed in the process.  This water is different from ordinary water. It protects the genetic materials inside the cell.  However, the electromagnetic environment damages mitochondria.  Cellular respiration and production of energy depend on mitochondria.  When damaged, low level of oxygen results.  Normal metabolism is converted from respiration to glycolysis or fermentation.  This can lead to cancer.  Sunlight also has a protective effect by separating the red blood cells that have become bound together due to EMF. Grounding also has the same effect. The qi from the earth is also light as the earth absorbs and reflects sunlight.

Experts summarized the harm caused by electricity:

  1. Attacks the nervous system, causing neurological and mental harm.
  2. Impairs the endocrine system.
  3. Causes oxidative damage and related ion damage. All chronic diseases are related to this (fat oxidation harms the liver and gall bladder).
  4. Invades genetic structures, causing split genes and injury to mitochondria.
  5. Causes cell death, leading to neurological decline and infertility.
  6. Reduces the fertility of men and women, increases the chance of miscarriage, and harms the genes in sperm.
  7. Raises calcium content in the cells, and excessively stimulates the calcium signaling. Taking magnesium in the form of sea mineral balances the effect of excess calcium stimulation. Only magnesium chloride from the ocean or ancient sea deposit can be retained in the body).
  8. Attacks the body via 15 different processes, leading to cancer.

Although we cannot do without electricity in our daily lives, people generally know very little about the connection between health and electricity.  Many doctors and electronic engineers are also ignorant of this. The electromagnetic and radio waves in the current environment are 1017 times that of 10 years ago; minimal contact is no longer possible. 24-hours exposure at this level is equivalent to exposure to 1,600 X-rays. Using a mobile phone for 30 minutes every day can increase the risk of brain cancer by 40%. Children, babies, and fetuses suffer the most. The key point is that short-term exposure alters genes and can injure the next generation.

Uninformed parents install monitors near their baby’s crib, as well as wireless devices to detect when their baby turns its body, and whether the diapers are wet or dry. Parents allow children to treat their mobile phones as toys, and even put them into their mouths. Children’s brains have more fluids and more easily absorb electromagnetic waves and microwaves.  An Israeli study found that cancer of the Parotid gland in the mouth has increased significantly, with children accounting for 20% of these cases.

If men put their mobile phones in the side pockets of their pants, the vitality of their sperm is greatly reduced. A person in charge of the sperm bank said that in the past, nine out of ten young people who came to sell their sperm met the required standard. Seven or eight years ago, only one out of ten people met the requirements. The vitality and health of sperm have declined globally. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt pointed out that the most popular Internet and mobile phone frequency is 2.4GHz, which is the most effective frequency to prevent people and organisms from reproducing.

If men put their mobile phones in the back pockets of their pants, it will cause a large rise in rectal and colon cancer among young men. It is best for men to carry their mobile phones in a hand-held bag, and to not let the mobile phones contact their bodies. Furthermore, put the phone on airplane mode when it is not in use.

Building biology has always been aware of the harm that EMF and radio waves pose to the human body.  Oram Miller who is in charge of building biology education program in North America provides important information on his website www.createhealthyhomes.com .  There are four types of electromagnetic waves that we are most often in contact with. The first two types, EMF and electric field originate from alternating currents in the wires at home. The electrical current in North America and Taiwan are 60 Hertz, a frequency of 60 times per second,. In Europe, it is 50 Hertz.  EMF and electric field are to be measured separately. If the reading measured by the Gauss meter is very low, it does not mean that there is no problem. Generally, the wires from the walls and electrical appliances will have an electric field that extends 6 to 8 feet beyond the wires. Sleeping around these 60-wave-per-second electric field at night can interfere with sleep and body repair. Therefore, the electrical power in our sleeping area must be turned off at night. Use a flashlight instead. Many people’s sleep problems are related to this.

The third category is radio waves and microwaves, which can come from wireless devices (e.g., so-called smart TVs, smart washing machines, etc.), mobile phones, computers, routers, wireless phone bases, wireless phones, smart meters, meters for water and natural gas, mobile phone towers, TV/radio broadcast towers, airport radars, etc. There are also radio waves emitted by hundreds of thousands of satellites.

Because many electrical appliances have wireless capabilities and can connect with the electrical meter anytime, uplug applicances when not in use. Alternatively, install a toggle switch that can turn on or off the power supply; it only costs about $4. For instance, the wireless phone base emits strong radio waves at any time. Energy-saving light bulbs such as CFLs and LEDs also have chips that emit radio waves. In places with WIFI on all the time, there are radio waves 24 hours a day.

The fourth category that cannot be ignored is dirty electricity through the wires. This is a resonant frequency higher than 60 Hertz, and is most harmful between 2,000 hertz and 100,000 hertz. This comes from waves generated by the turning on and off of electrical appliances and also from computers converting from 60HZ to direct current, and so on. Martin Grahm and Dave Stetzer, who have more than 40 years of experience in this area, have developed filters to remove these frequencies of dirty electricity. The Soviet Union had long been aware of the harmful effects of these frequencies  on the human body, and invited them to go to the Soviet Union many times to study a treatment method. They made a test meter and filtration device that the average person can afford. A home needs 10 to 20 of these devices to remove dirty electricity. Purchases can be made, and information can be found at these websites: Stetzerelectric.com or electrahealth.com.  (In some cases the filters cannot remove the dirty electricity)

These electromagnetic waves around us interfere with the natural sunlight that nourishes life, and destroy the structure of water molecules in the body. Water is the basis for life. Once the water is destroyed, all water-dependent life forms including microbioms: the over one million bacteria, viruses, and mold. In high EMF enviroment, beneficial bacteria also become pathogens, so the effect on the environment is the most critical.

Dr. Klinghardt, as mentioned earlier, said that the leading cause of female deaths in the past two decades is no longer cancer or heart disease, but neurological diseases. Anxiety and chronic fatigue increased by 663%. What is more important to know is that these waves interfere with brain secretions. When we take a mobile phone call, the microwave emission will stimulate the secretion of dopamine, which is associated with addiction and induces the same reaction as sniffing heroin. Each secretion strengthens addiction. This can explain why people carry their mobile phones with them, and even bring them to bed.  A young woman had a large cancerous growth on the side of her face where she listens to her mobile phone.  The growth was removed after eight hours of surgery. She used to sleep with her mobile phone under her pillow, but she still couldn’t stop this addiction, and continued to do so. The cancerous growth came back and she had another surgery. After that, she needed plastic surgery. I know of two friends who needed to check the weather forecast over ten times a day. When the secretion of the addictive dopamine increases, the secretion of citicolin, which is related to memory and thinking, decreases. If this deterioration goes on, dementia occurs.

Each of us can do our best to reduce the production of EMF.  EMF gets trapped in the earth atmosphere. That is a significant and increasing accumulation of EMF in the earth’s atmosphere. I personally feel that this will interfere with the sun’s rays reaching the earth. Sunlight is not only the light wave that our eyes can sense, but there is also the qi aspect. Dr. Steiner said that light has four aspects in the same way that our body has the physical body, etheric body, astral body and the ego body.  Ancient Chinese used the term “yang qi” or sun energy to describe another aspect of sunlight. Electricity is “ying qi” which is opposite to “yang qi”. People living in environments with high EMF have cold hands and feet, poor circulation and poor digestive ability.  All are related to the fact that electricity is “yin“.  At sulight at sunrise  has a special energy. The author of “Biogeometry” mentions that the sun’s rays at that time belongs to the “gold” element, and is a harmonious energy. Thus, to recover from the damage caused by electricity, you can bask in the sun at sunrise; you can also open the window, face the sun, and recharge yourself.

Dr. May once suggested that absorbing the nourishment of light is more important than eating. This nourishment of light can be obtained by visualizing light. Remind yourself during the day to supplement yourself with light nutrition.

Some additional suggestions:

*Essential oils such as lavender and rose can nourish vitality, and the spice rosemary can be frequently used.

*A veterinarian recommended yellow dock (American fleeceflower root).

*I previously mentioned that magnesium is a very important supplement.

* Vitamin B3 or Niacin can repair split genes.

*The amino acid tryptophan is the raw material for making melatonin. A balanced intake of food containing tryptophan is best. This includes millet, seaweed, green algae, black beans, other beans, beetroot, corn, white radish, bananas. nutritional yeast, almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc. Because tryptophan is easily damaged by heat, it is necessary to ingest some food that can be eaten without heating.

*It is good to include foods high in vitamin K2 such as natto.

There is still a lot of information from the EMF Summit that remains to be shared.  I have aimed to share the highlights.

Eating natto has many benefits; make it yourself

Chiu-Nan Lai, PhD

In the May 2015 Founder’s Wordsseries, the article “From the prevention and treatment of tooth decay” mentioned the importance of vitamin K2 for health. It has a preventive and restorative effect on the following health conditions: 1. aging; 2. heart disease; 3. osteoporosis; 4. Alzheimer’s disease; 5. wrinkles; 6. varicose veins; 7. diabetes; 8. arthritis. 9. brain and nerve issues; 10. cancer; 11. kidney disease; 12. fertility issues; 13. fetus and child health; and 14. dental issues.

The best source of vitamin K2 is natto. Vitamin K2 supplements in the market are mostly derived from natto.  Its vitamin K2 content greatly exceeds that of other food sources, and is also a plant-based fermented food. Other sources are entirely derived from animal sources, and are rarely eaten by Chinese. The exception is egg yolk, but it contains much less vitamin K2, comprising only 1/70 proportion of the vitamin K2 found in natto. A tablespoon of natto contains enough K2 for a day, and natto does not need to be eaten every day. Of course, the more it is eaten, the better because modern people generally lack vitamin K2.  Animals eat grass and green leaves to ingest vitamin K1 that is then converted to vitamin K2. People who eat a lot of vegetables can also have their vitamin K1 converted to vitamin K2.

Traditionally, natto is a breakfast eaten by Japanese. Natto is added to soy sauce, onions, and raw eggs, and mixed with rice. Natto is traditionally made from soybeans, but unfortunately, soybeans are no longer of our ancestral variety, and therefore not suitable for eating. However, we can use other beans to make natto. In recent years, when the winter heating begins, I will use the warm air to make natto, but because the temperature cannot be controlled well, the stickiness of the natto is not ideal. The ideal temperatures are between 100 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit (38 to 40 degrees Celsius).

Two months ago, I saw an inspiring post on a website selling natto.  The person used a pressure cooker to steam the beans, added natto starter culture, and then put them in an oven that has a small bulb to keep warm for 24 hours. This method was always successful.

I use an electric cooker instead of an oven and put in a small light bulb. The resulting natto turns out very well. I make natto at least weekly these two months. I take it with porridge for breakfast, or add it to a dish that can be quickly made.

My body reacted very well to the natto when I started eating it. After that, I didn’t have to wait till winter to make it. In summer, there are many places where the temperature reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and putting it at room temperature is sufficient.

Below, I describe my experience with making natto.

Beans that are not contaminated will suffice. Organic beans are preferred if this is available. This is because natto culture (spores) grows better with clean beans. It is fastest to cook the beans using a pressure cooker. Doing so is best as there is no worry about the beans being too soggy or moist, etc. Keep warm at a temperature between 100 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit; it is fine if it is a bit higher. You can use an oven with the light turned on, a rice cooker, or other containers that keep food warm. Use a small light bulb—an ordinary night light bulb is most appropriate. A kitchen thermometer to monitor and manage the temperature is needed. Prepare clean gauze and two or three one- or two-inch-high plates (such as those for baking, steaming or the inner pot of a rice cooker, etc.). Cover the top with a lid or plate. The small bottle containing the natto starter culture can hold two teaspoons or 5 cc of water. The bottle can be a little larger. All containers should be clean and preferably sterilized by boiling water.

The first step is to soak three cups of beans for 24 hours or more. Change the water once or twice in between.  The beans can be red beans, green beans, white beans, Egyptian beans, black beans and other local beans that have a long history. In Colorado, USA, we can buy Bolita and Anasazi beans that have 700-hundred to 1000-year histories. They can be used alone or combined with different beans. Test the energy field to ensure that the combination is appropriate.

Thereafter, use a pressure cooker to steam the beans. In general, once the pressure builds up, cook for 20 to 25 minutes. The beans must be cooked and feel soft when pinched. Let the beans simmer for an hour after turning off the cooker. Wait till the pressure has completely come off before opening the pressure cooker. Generally, let the beans cool to about 120 Fahrenheit before adding the natto starter culture.

If you do not use a pressure cooker, you can also use a normal cooker to cook the beans till they are soft. The beans must still retain their shape. The procedure for adding the natto starter culture is as described in the instructions accompanying the natto starter culture. Add half a small teaspoon of natto starter culture to 5 cc of warm and clean water. Mix well and then add to the natto that is turning cool. Place the beans to two or three layers. Each layer should not be too thick, and no more than an inch (2.5 cm).  Before putting into the container, check the temperature, whether it is a rice cooker or oven. The pot may need to be covered with towels.

For those living a warm climate, it may not be necessary to add a small light bulb; wrapping a towel round the container may be sufficient. Insert the thermometer into the beans, and cover the top with a clean, dry gauze. Then cover with a lid.

Put for 20 to 24 hours in winter, and 18 to 20 hours in summer. After that, remove the lid, leaving only  the gauze on top, and place in a fridge overnight before eating. Keep the natto in a glass or ceramic pot; it can be kept for 1 to 2 weeks. I make fresh ones every week.

The natto starter culture I use comes from Japan. In the USA, they can be purchased from www.culturesforhealth.com in the United States. A 0.1 oz. natto starter can be used with 30 kg of beans. The Japanese contact is www nattomoto.net Tel: (023) 672-7010; fax: (023) 672-7060

Wishing everyone healthy and joyful eating.