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Discharging Gallstones Without Surgery

Liu Hui Ling

Over the years, Lapis Lazuli Light has published articles on readers’ experience in discharging gallstones. Regretfully, in the newspapers we still read about some of the side effects of cholecystectomy. Recently, after reading Madam Liu’s personal experience and seeing the wonderful photos she enclosed, we decided to re-publish Madam Liu’s article considering that this is the season in Taiwan when organic apples are in bountiful supply. We hope that our readers will actively promote this simple natural therapy in discharging gallstones as this will prevent families and friends from suffering unnecessarily.

Editorial (Taiwan Lapis)

In 2009, my aunt had intense pain in her left abdomen. She found out from her doctor that she had gallstones and had been inflamed for the last four days. The doctor advised her that surgery was necessary to remove the stones, but as my aunt was very afraid of surgery, she immediately called my mother. On the same day, my mother bought 8 bottles of organic apple juice and Epsom salt for my aunt. She taught her Dr Lai’s method of expelling gallstones. Sure enough, my aunt eliminated a big bucket of stones in the toilet! Not only was the pain gone, she also no longer needed surgery.

Mum also shared this method with Mr Chen, a good friend of Mr Su whose photos we shall attach below). Mr Chen also tried the method and discharged a lot of stones. Mr Chen’s 12-year-old daughter suffered from stomach bloatness frequently. We initially believed that gallstone problems happen only to those who are over 30 years old. (In her talk, Dr. Lai shared that people who are over 30 years old need to discharge gallstones if they have bloated stomach.) As this remedy is healthy and tasty, and since it does not impact a growing child, Mr Chen let his 12 year-old daughter try it. She also discharged a lot of gallstones and her flatulence was gone.

After hearing testimonies from Mr Chen, Mr Su’s confidence grew and started to use this method himself.

The following narrated a personal experience of Mr Su, a retiring teacher in Taichung, Taiwan. The photos are provided by Mr Su.

More than ten years ago, Mr Su has already learned of this surgery-free, natural way of discharging gallstones. Due to fear and a lack of confidence, he did not try it.

From July 2009 to May 2010, he has done the flush 12 times.

Photo 1 showed the discharge of gallstones from the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th flushes (the coin in the photo is a NT$1 which can be used as a reference for the size of the stones). When the stones were first discharged, they were either green or brown colour and could be picked up by chopsticks. After exposing the stones to sunlight, they turned black!

Photo 2 showed stones at the 3rd flush. The sizes can be seen from the centimetre grid drawn on the paper. Compared to the first and second time, they were much bigger; the biggest was about 4x2cm!
Mr Su thought that after having done the flush twice, he would not have any more stones and was going to stop. His mother insisted that he tried it one more time, and surprisingly, bigger stones were discharged. This is because on the first two flushes, these stones were too large and were unable to soften enough for discharge. Many people believe that such large gallstones cannot be discharged from such a small exit. Please refer to the Japanese program “學校沒教的事單元” (“What the school does not teach”). Evidently, if the stones are softened enough, they can be flushed out.

Photo 3:
When doing the flush for the fourth time, even bigger stones were discharged, with the largest measuring about 5 x 3 cm. They were discharged on the second day on its own even before drinking Epsom salt or apple juice. The biggest stone was as large as the size of a Taiwan dollar. (Translator’s note: A Taiwan dollar is 20mm in diameter, slightly larger than a Singapore 10-cent coin.)

Photo 4:
At the tenth flush, most of the stones were small with a few large ones. Mr Su continued to do the flush a few more times. Some of the discharges were like fine sand floating in the toilet, hence no photo was taken for record.

The original Chinese article is published in the Nov 2010 issue of Lapis magazine and is accessible online at: