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Dr. Lai’s Mailbox


Chiu-Nan Lai, Ph.D

Question: When my child was in the womb, part of the brain was not fully developed (the doctor failed to discover it). At the time of birth, the delays in delivery caused hypoxia and ischemia brain injuries, and so my child has cerebral palsy. Dr Lai, please tell me how I can help my child, whether in lifestyle, diet, practising and dedicating merits and/or others. Any suggestions from you would be very much treasured.

Yours gratefully

A broken-hearted mother (my child is currently one year old)


Dear Mother:

Brain development in children before the age of seven, is still very important. Congenital deficiencies can be remedied after birth.

  • Let’s start with the spiritual practice. Pray for blessings from the Medicine Buddha. There are many Medicine Buddha’s Practice, one of which is Bhagavan Medicine Buddha Sutra, available at Ruyi Moni and Jing Xu Fa Lin centres [Translator’s Note: These two centres (in pinyin) are located in Taipei]. Reciting Medicine Buddha mantras or reading the Medicine Buddha’s Sutras is also helpful.


  • In addition to following a complete vegetarian diet, supplement with some sea minerals, such as adding one or two drops of Pure Aussie into drinking water or also adding just a little Sea Minerals Hawthorn. Complete minerals are very important to the body’s development (especially the brain). Among the nuts, hazelnut is very good for brain development. If you can buy fresh (raw) ones, make them into milk for your child to drink. Milk made from sesame seeds and sunflower seeds can also be added. Porridge made from organic grains like rice, barley, millet, oatmeal, etc. is another option. Observe the child’s responses. Choose clean natural fruits and vegetables with no pesticide contamination.


  • Try your best to have electromagnetic and microwave protections. Do not have wireless facilities, such as mobile phones, microwave ovens, and wireless internet access at home. We have been introducing the importance of protection as well as the methods of protection. Pay special attention to the sleeping area.


  • Please refer to the articles in the Lapis Magazines 2011 May (Chinese) or for English, Lapis News October 2011 issue “Sensory Learning And Autism, Brain Injury, Vision And Learning Ability”, available online https://lapislazulilight.com/Founder/Index_Lapis_News_From_Founder_Article_61.html on how to stimulate the nervous system.   Use different colour filters with sunlight or small light bulb for the child to look at. Follow a weekly cycle. Choose one colour per day, starting from magenta, followed by red the next day, then orange, yellow, turquoise, violet for each following day. Twenty minutes each time, once or twice a day. At the same time, it may also be helpful to sing or recite the Medicine Buddha mantra when rocking the child in a cradle. This will simultaneously stimulating the visual, auditory nerves and brainstem.


  • Energetically, use the Brazilian toe massage (introduced in Chinese in the Aug 2007 Lapis Magazine and available online: http://www.lapislazuli.org/TradCh/magazine/200708/20070802.html ) [Translator’s Note: For English there are many websites teaching this technique for example http://worldtantra.org/braziliantoe.html] and Metamorphic Technique, the latter was introduced in a workshop. It would be better if you could ask the participants in the July 2010 workshop in New York to demonstrate the technique to you. The main focus is to ease the energies that were stuck inside the womb. This method is very helpful to retarded children. The technique is as follows:

1.Activate Energy: Start by touching the hairline of the forehead. Gently move towards the crown three times.

2.Start with the right foot of the child. Use your thumb or index finger, gently touch the tip of the big toe, and then move along the inner side of the foot, until you touch the heel. The child can place the foot on the adult’s lap. When doing this, relax and do not deliberately do anything, intuitively moving slowly, pausing longer in certain places, but not longer than ten minutes at any spot. Continue with the left foot after the right foot is done. After all these are done, close the energy on the head by touching the posterior hairline, gently move towards the crown. Do it three times. Doing the Metamorphic Technique once every few days or once a week is very good.

3.The mother or father can place their palms on the right and left side of the child’s head. The energy of love will travel from the hands to the head. The effect would be even better if light visualisation is incorporated. Use the light visualization techniques which have been introduced in Lapis magazines recently.

Best wishes to you!

Chiu-Nan Lai


The original Chinese article is published in the Aug 2011 issue of Lapis magazine