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Posts classified under: DR Lai’s Q&A

Dr. Lai’s Mailbox


Chiu-Nan Lai, PH.D

Letter from a Malaysian reader

Q: Four or five months ago, I suddenly discovered that the dark birthmark on the right side of my waist turned much lighter. And the complexion around the birthmark turned white. Two white patches occurred on my right leg, and they are expanding now. I am afraid that the patch might expand to my face because many of my friends have such problem: there are pieces of white patches on the face, as well as other parts of the body.

I have asked dermatologist about this problem. He said it was the skin “de-pigment” caused by the destruction of melanin producing cells, which was the result of the dysfunction of auto immune system. And this problem could not be cured. Meladinine and protopic cream could be used for treatment. But this caused skin hypersensitivity. So, my questions are as follows:

  • What causes this disease?
  • How to prevent and cure this disease?
  • How to prevent further aggravation?

A: I’ve checked the medical book. The condition most similar to your case is “vitiligo”. In such case, the cells, which produce melanin in certain locations, are attacked by the auto immune system with unknown reason, leading to white patches. Generally speaking, one third of people with such disease have something wrong with their thyroid gland. In addition, people with diabetes, pernicious anemia, Addison’s disease or sun-burned skin tend to have such problem. Sometimes, this disease would be automatically cured by the body itself. This is not a severe disease. But it will cause psychological discomfort. Additionally, the white patch is easy to get burned by the sun and it needs protection from the sun.

Illness on the immune function is a disease of the whole body. It is closely related to the nervous system, problems of blood pH and the functions of liver, spleen and thymus. In particular, an article in the August 2006 issue mentioned the maladjustment of neural system, which is caused by microwave, can lead to the dysfunction of immune system. Thus, protection from electromagnetic-wave and microwave needs special attention. The article “Take care of your liver, protect your environment” in the February 2006 issue provides many methods. When the liver functions well, the blood can nourish all cells, including melanin producing cells. Skin is exposed directly to the outer environment and thus is easiest to be injured by chemical pollution, electrical pollution and excessive ultraviolet radiation. When the body fluid is depleted, the body is easy to get hurt by the sun. Among all food, the wild or naturally cultivated fresh vegetables, fruits and seeds contain antipollution nutrient ingredient, which can nourish the body fluid, enrich the blood and protect the body. Currently, chemical fertilizer cultivation cannot supplement trace element and thus there is a lack of trace elements in the food. Therefore, it is very essential to appropriately supplement with sea vegetables and wild plants from the forests, so that the body can get what it lacks and regenerates quickly.

Recently, I have introduced low salt concentrated sea minerals from an Australian farmer to my friend, who has had backache for more than one year. He quickly recovered within just two weeks, and he can grow vegetables now. His friend had Parkinson’s disease. After supplementing with the above mineral for only one week, his mouth didn’t tremble anymore, and he could sleep well in the night. We have introduced the relationship between AIDS and selenium in the articles. In the areas where there is enough selenium, the incidence of AIDS is very low.

The diseases caused by the environment need care in every way. These problems cannot be solved by a simple folk remedy.

Only through thoroughly practicing the approaches, which we have introduced in recent years, to health care and environmental protection, can the various strange diseases be prevented and overcame.

Dr. Lai’s Mailbox


Chiu-Nan Lai, PH.D

Why is the consumption of soya product bad?

Soya bean has been a food necessity in the east for thousands of years. Products made from it include soya sauce, bean curd, soya bean milk, soya bean paste (dou ban jiang), tempeh (na dou), fermented bean curd, bean skin, soya mock meat (which existed only in recent years), soya cooking oil and so forth.

Ten years ago, my family and I visited Bob Canard’s nature farm in North California. My mother brought with her self-made soya bean curd as visiting gifts for Bob. To our surprise, Bob remarked that the bean curd was poisonous. When he saw our puzzled looks, he explained that soya bean in America during the 50s went through a process of radiation and had mutated to become a commercial specie called Glycine Max. Frequent consumption of Glycine Max would bring about coagulation of the blood, problems related to heart arteries and hair loss. When added to animal fodder, Glycine Max also gives rise to some animal defect.

He informed me of some written documentation as well. Since then, I rarely take or purchase soya products. He added that germinated soya bean and products made from it such as Bragg Liquid Amino could be consumed. (Editor annotated that Taiwan has soya sauce and products made from black beans.)

During the discussion on sea minerals with one Australian farmer in the beginning of this year, he had also stressed on the avoidance of soya products, unless the soya bean had been fermented for more than a year. Many years ago, Australian farmers changed their pig’s feed to soya bean. Within a few months, the skin of the animals started having problems. Six months later, 80% of the pigs died from liver blockage.

Recently, I visited an organic bean farm in Northern China. Out of the various bean types exhibited, most types turned clockwise through dowsing except for 20 odd soya bean species which mostly resulted in anti-clockwise turns with only 5 to 6 types resulting in clockwise outcome. It seems that the latter 5 to 6 types have not been “improved” by the experts but are traditional species passed down from our ancestors.

Soya bean is widely consumed in the food industry, and is a favorite of the agricultural enterprises. Hence it has been “improved” over and over with its genes altered. The soya beans consumed by our great ancestors were different from the ones sold in our current market. Therefore, being cautious of soya bean is a problem to be addressed in the second half of the 20th century.

America is the main country of export for soya beans in the world. As such, countries that import soya beans are consuming Glycine Max and genetically modified soya beans, including organic soya beans.

Milk or bean curd made from organic soya beans that has been soaked in water for germination could be consumed, but in small quantities and not frequently. According to ancient medical books, frequent and large consumption of soya beans, which is concentrated protein and starch, will result in blocked gas.

Are all bean products bad?

If the product is made from beans of traditional bred inherited from ancestor’s times, it can still be consumed. Examples include hei dou (black bean) sauce and bean curds made from green beans. However, one has to pay attention to any phenomenon that shows the destruction of protein quality in the course of processing. Are the addictives good or bad for the human body? The freshness?

Bean types are concentrated protein foodstuff. One or two soup spoonfuls would suffice per day.  Over consumption is not beneficial, rather it will lead to stomach bloatness or indigestion

What are the sources of protein that are of excellent quality?

All plant proteins are very good. The best would be unheated natural farm cultivated green plants, wild plants or ocean plants like green algae (Lu Zao). Consider the food source of 90% of animals on earth, what do cows and horse eat? What do the fishes in the sea eat?

Human milk protein constitutes a mere 5% of calories, which is same as that of banana and pear. Other fruits like lemon, honeydew and grapes have higher protein contents. Protein contents in vegetables are higher. Spinach has 49%, broccoli has 40%, and lettuce has 34% while Italian gourd has 28%. Other bean types have 23% to 29%, bean curd has 43%, cereal and grains have 11% to 16%, brown rice has 8% and the seeds of walnut has 12% to 18%.

World Health Organization recommends protein intake for an adult to be 4.5% of total calories intake per day. United Stated Department of Agriculture suggests 6% instead. It is very easy to satisfy the body’s need for protein. The common issue for people is protein in excess rather than deficiency. Comparing with heated protein, we only need one third of the same amount if it is unheated protein.

Two types of amino acid, lysine and tryptophane, dissolve when heated. Therefore, cooked food regardless of its protein contents would not be superior, as out of the eight required basic amino acids, two are missing.

As compared to others, greater variety of foods can be manufactured from bean products, and its taste is also better. Are there any similar substitutes?

Taste is habit. What Easterners consider as good soya products may not suit the tastes of Westerners. In actuality, soya products do not naturally have any taste. Flavours were blended.

Similarly, any fresh vegetables, roots or flower vegetables can be blended to the taste of one’s liking. Amongst bean types, we have many types like green, red, white and black beans, and all can be used, though in small quantities.

Germinated grains can also be made into many tasteful foodstuffs. Adding minced vegetables, sesame seed or sunflower seeds powder to grounded germinated wheat can make delicious dumplings and stuffing of a chewy feel like meat. Ethnic groups in the Middle East enjoy using broad beans and chickpeas to make into sauce dips or pastes for their cake biscuits or fried into dumplings to go along with the cake biscuits.

Dhal made from all colors of chickpeas are a major dish in Indian cuisine, where it is used to pour over rice. They can also be grounded into dough for dumpling.

In any case, taste can be changed, as long as we do not fear protein deficiency and deliberately replenish on “high” protein foodstuff. Personally, I favor a salad of all vegetable colors, in addition to that, seasonal vegetables, germinated sunflower seeds paste, some seaweed, fresh fruits, a small handful of nuts or half a cup of grain yoghurt. This would settle my requirement for a day. Resources on earth are depleting so we have to learn to take the most environmental friendly diet that is also beneficial for health.

Dr. Lai’s Mailbox


Q1: Under what situations can one take antibiotics? Are there substitutes? If we take antibiotics when we are ill, what should we do after we recover?

Nowadays, because the meat and poultry industry chronically use large amounts of antibiotics, many bacteria are no longer controlled by antibiotics. Likewise, because hospitals have been using antibiotics over a long period, many antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria have appeared. Because antibiotics no longer have much effect in controlling infections, the use of alternative approaches has become necessary.

A small number of hospitals in the U.S. and Europe have started using essential oils and plant fluids to fight bacterial infections. The oils used by these hospitals are high-grade oil extracted under low temperature and pressure and are different from commercially oils that are chemically produced under high pressure. Thyme, lemon peel, sweet marjoram, lemon grass, peppermint, tea tree and so on are effective against bacteria.

Using cold-pressed plant oil to dilute essential oils to about 1% to 5% also has good effects against bacteria. Lemon balm, cinnamon, and many water-soluble plants can be used. Air can be detoxified using essential oils, cloves, lavender, lemon, marjoram, peppermint, niaouli, pine, thyme. Within three hours, 90% of the bacteria in the room can be removed. In addition, EM and friendly bacteria are also helpful.

If you have already used antibiotics, you need to replenish your system with friendly bacteria after your illness. At the same time, use essential oils to remove antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Q2: If a feverish patient persistently records a temperature above 40oC, is it appropriate to use anti-fever medicine to let the body rest, and then let the patient heal himself naturally after he recovers his strength?

If the fever is due to infections, you can use essential oils to eliminate the bacteria and boost the immune system. You can also grind garlic with coconut oil and apply to the soles of the feet. First apply some oil on the soles. This has good effects on lung infections.

If constipation occurs, drinking water to help bowel movements can also help reduce the fever. You can also try lemon juice mixed with warm water. If the fever doesn’t subside with these methods, then you will just have to use some anti-fever medicine as a temporary measure.

Q3: What food is not suitable to be eaten raw?

Some food products are not appropriate to be eaten raw. Grains and beans need to be sprouted before they can be eaten raw. Even then, eat in moderation. Highly alkaline plants and medicinal plants are also not appropriate to be eaten raw. When trying new food products, avoid those that have a bitter astringent taste. Sparingly use fresh ginger as condiments; black pepper is fine. In general, plants that have a mild and sweet taste are more appropriate for eating raw.

Q4: After my baby has started to take supplementary food, his bowel movements have become irregular. We need to use Chinese olive oil preparation to facilitate his bowel movements. What should we do?

Not sure how old your baby is. Is he six to seven months old now? If he is fed supplementary food too early, he may be unable to digest this kind of food. Are you using organic products, and then grinding it to a paste? Organic products in Taiwan do not have uniform quality, so some may indeed lead your baby to have constipation. When you first start the baby on supplementary food, make sure that it is very dilute. You can use Nariwa water as it has purifying properties and can ease bowel movements. In addition, you can also add some friendly bacteria (Life Start, Natren brand) to feed your baby.

Microwave interference can weaken the intestines and cause constipation. Does anyone use mobile phones at home? You can check whether your baby’s hands and feet are warm or cold. Generally, microwave radiation will cause one’s head to be warm and the feet to be cold. You can also help your baby to regulate his qi.

As a mother, you can also help your baby chew the food once (as our ancestors did) to help him partially digest his food.

Q5: Is it true that women will produce more milk if they go on a raw diet?

Organic agricultural products have better nutrition. Consuming these food will lead to a more healthy physical body, and naturally, mother’s milk will also be more. Milk is transformed from blood, and any food that nourishes blood and qi will also increase milk production. A Singaporean mother found that drinking wheat grass raised her milk production. The food described in the article titled “What nursing mothers can take?” will also increase milk production.

These include:

  • Black bean soup (roast black beans till they are mildly cooked, then boil)
  • Black sesame, alfalfa, flaxseed, carrot juice (one glass per day), sweet potato

In addition, electromagnetic and microwave radiation can reduce a mother’s milk production. Mothers should stay clear of electrical appliances, mobile phones, and so on.

Q6: Can infants in their first six months consume organic oat milk? Take a lot of it? Otherwise, what else can they take?

Infants under six months should best consume mother’s milk. If the mother does not have milk, then others’ (e.g., nanny’s) milk would be better. Otherwise, fresh organic goat milk would do, followed by the highest quality infant milk powder. Beyond these, fresh organic cow milk would do, but make sure that the milk has not undergone homogenization. Most milk would have gone through this process so that the milk fat from the liquid portion are not separated. The milk fat becomes very miniscule, and as a result, the xanthine oxidase enzyme can directly enter the blood stream and not be filtered by the liver. This will damage the blood vessels and the membranes of the heart surface, and cholesterol will deposit on the scars and block the blood vessels. If you drink cow milk, it is best to quickly boil it and then cool it immediately. Heat will break down casein protein. You can boil the milk together with some fennel or ginger to increase the digestibility of the milk. Infants who drink cow’s milk need to supplement their diet with chlorophyll and natural Vitamin C such as spirulina and green algae. Drink twice a day, half a teaspoon each time. Green vegetable juice is also good. Both mother and child can both drink flaxseed paste as it has abundant omega-3 oil that we commonly lack. If one chooses plant products as substitutes for mother’s milk, one can make almond milk. To prepare this drink, soak organic almond in water overnight. Remove the skin, use four times the water to blend into milk, and then filter. Coconut water is also an option. Chinese families also use rice porridge broth to feed their children. Some use oat drinks. It is preferable to use rice that has sprouted, and to use whole oats that are sprouted when making these drinks. Many people use soy milk as a substitute for mother’s milk. The problem here is that soybeans that are generally commercially available are genetically modified or processed. Even organic soybeans do not come from lineages that can be traced to our ancestors. Adults who drink soy milk should take those made from sprouted beans. Infants’ soymilk powder is made from processed soybean proteins and is not natural. Consumption of such processed milk powder can lead to early or painful menstruation for girls at puberty age. These problems have been noticed by the medical profession. It is best to avoid processed soymilk powder for infants.

Q7: Is the incidence of decayed teeth related to the consumption of oat milk and five-grain porridge in that these are acidic in nature?

Tooth decay can be due to a few reasons. Drinking organic vinegar and sugared plum juice are likely reasons. Drinking too much vinegar can damage the teeth and the infant’s liver. In particular, the infant’s liver is the organ that is developed last, so it needs careful protection during this period. Do not treat infants like they are adults as this can create many problems. Drinks that have added sugar and honey will turn acidic when mixed with saliva. In addition, in the current environment where there is high electromagnetic and microwave radiation, this can lead to loss of calcium and magnesium from our bodies. Then, when the body cells that are acidic, tooth decay follows. Hence, when you are home, avoid all wireless phones, computers, microwaves, television sets and so on. Nariwa water has many different kinds of minerals, and children can frequently consume this water. Seaweeds and vegetables are important food items, especially those high in magnesium. Beans, seeds, nuts, grains, rice and sprouted rice and wheat species that are grown in soil not subjected to chemical fertilizers tend to have alkaline properties.

Q8: Vegetables from the markets that are washed with energized water tend to have a lot of energy. Why, then, is there a need to consume organic food?

The energy of the product is only one standard, but not the complete picture. Commercially available vegetables that are grown using chemical fertilizers can be cleared of their negative energy by washing them with energized water. However, this cannot make up for the lack of nutrients such as micronutrients, some minerals and polysaccharides. For example, Chinese medicinal herbs that are grown using chemical fertilisers have inferior medical properties compared to those that are grown in the wild. Thus, organic farmers have to consider the quality of the soil, mineral contents of the soil, air, water purity, and the whole ecosystem. Food with the highest energy is grown in environments that have not been polluted. Food that is already high in energy can have its energy magnified through the use of water crystal energy charger (available through Lapis Lazuli Light). However, food that has been contaminated is limited in the extent that its energy can be raised. We buy organic food so that we can leave our descendants with a piece of survivable land. This practice is both good for us and good for the environment.

Dr. Lai’s Mailbox


Clearing Away X-Ray Radiation and The Effect of Anesthetic

Dr. Lai Chiu-Nan, founder of Lapis Lazuli Light, came to Singapore last October and conducted two workshops. During the question-and-answer session, the audience was enthusiastic in asking questions. However, due to the limited time, Dr. Lai was not able to answer all questions. Since the questions raised are also of concern to many readers, we made a special arrangement so that Dr. Lai could answer these questions in writing. The questions-and-answers published in his periodical are the questions raised by the audience at the workshops after observing the live demonstration on clearing X-ray radiation and anesthetic residual. These answers were provided by Dr. Lai through facsimile.

Q: I have been working as a radiographer for 15 years. My body must have accumulated a lot of X-ray radiation. What should radiographers specially take for detoxification?

A: Consume more fresh organic green vegetables and take supplements such as spirulina, wheat grass and barley green.

Q: If the X-ray radiation was over ten years ago, must the person who helps clear energy do it from far distance above the body?

A: Yes, do it from a close distance to a far distance.

Q: Does one need to open one’s internal energy before helping others to clear the X-ray radiation. Also, does the one being cleansed need to open up his/her internal energy?

A: No, that is not necessary. But in clearing anesthetic residual, both parties need to first boost their energy.

Q: Which type of salt should be used? Is it sea salt?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: How much sea salt must be placed in the brown paper bag in order to remove the X-ray radiation?

A: About ½ kg.

Q: Can the salt you just used for demonstration be consumed or reused?

A: The salt should not be consumed, but after a day, you may use it to cleanse the energy field.

Q: When you clear the anesthetic residual, how does your hand feel? How long must one soak his/her hand in the salt water?

A: It feels numb. Soak for a while will do.

Q: In clearing anesthetic residual, if the hand is placed on the navel charka, will the negative energy enter the body?

A: Use only right hand and quickly soak it in salt water, otherwise negative energy will enter the body.

Q: How much salt should be used to prepare the salt water?

A: Add salt until the salt water is saturated*. Allow some salt crystals to remain in the water.

*Stir & dissolve salt into water until some left undissolved.

Q: Dr. Lai, does soaking the body in salt water or sea water help clear X-ray radiation and anesthetic residual?

A: Yes, it does help.

Q: Where do we dispose the salt water after it has been used for hand soaking?

A: Pour it into a sink or a toilet.

Dr. Lai’s Mailbox


Is Genetically Modified Food Safe for Consumption?

A cross-continental radio-interview with Dr Chiu-Nan Lai over the 95.8 wave band on the 14th of June 1999.

The scientists’ ideal of food production is to cultivate a new kind of vegetation that is not only good to look at, but also free of pests and pesticides. Thus, cultivators will be ensured of bountiful harvests and consumers supplied with cheap and good produce. This scenario is too good to be ignored. As such, we hear that European and American scientist introduce penicillin into potato genes in the attempt to eliminate pain in those who consume them; thus, giving these potatoes a medicinal value. On the flip side, do we need to have painkiller every day? Is such food safe for consumption on a daily basis? What kind of impact could such genetically modified food, the product of experts, have on the market, the world as well as the future? We are indeed very happy and honoured to have Dr Chiu-Nan Lai in conversation with us today. Dr Lai, who holds a doctorate in Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is an expert in cancer research from California, USA. She is also the founder of Lapis Lazuli Light Global Centre.

Q: Good morning, Dr Lai.

A: Good morning.

Q: Thank you for joining us. First of all, can you please explain to our listeners what genetically modified (GM) food is.

A: This can be viewed as the evolution of the study of genetics; equivalent to say modifying the basic gene of the plant, contrary to the outcome of natural reproduction. In other words, to change and recreate the blueprints of life. The method involves the use of viruses that can penetrate the animal or plant gene, delivering different gene. Therefore, plant genes can be attached to animal genes and vice versa.

Q: Why do they want to transfer the virus’ genes to the genes of a plant or a fruit? Why do they want to do that?

A: This is because virus has the ability to invade. In nature, plant and animal cannot mate, and will naturally eliminate each other so that there is a natural protection for the species. However, in genetic engineering (GE), such transfer of genes between plants and animals is facilitated by the invasive nature of these viruses, thus crossing the forbidden boundary of nature.

Q: So, when the gene of the virus is allowed to penetrate a normal gene, what benefit is there? Or what kind of function can we expect?

A: Many scientists consider this more dangerous than nuclear power. Evolution of life forms takes thousands of years to accomplish; and if we were to accelerate it suddenly the consequences would be unimaginable. Besides, as virus is being involved, it may also multiply in the body. Should there be the slightest error that cannot be rectified, the situation would go completely out of control.

Q: If it is indeed so dangerous, why do scientists still carry on with the research?

A: Scientists had realised the danger of such research way back in the seventies. They had decided not to pursue any further. However, they subsequently restricted the activity to plant research, citing the reason that plants are more primitive living organisms. In actual fact, all researchers in the world have an understanding that they shall not involve any animal tissues in this nature of research which they acknowledge is extremely dangerous and may lead to the extinction of some species from this world. Those who are still working on this research did it with plants, which is supposed to be of lower ranking in the world of organisms. Honestly, many have already stopped this kind of research work because it is truly too dangerously.

Q: Since scientists have acknowledged the danger of this technology, why then were there information on the Internet regarding such thing as GM food, i.e., Genetically Modified Food in America recently?

A: The chemical industry has found that the usage of chemicals is dwindling, and there is a need to look for new outlets. Initially, they felt that this was a good direction to take. In fact, GM corn, soybean and cotton have appeared hastily in the American market since 1996. Presently, about 60% of food products sold in American market have some kind of GM food component. However, most American consumers are unaware of this because there is no indication on the package labels; it made its inroads into the market quietly without any warning. Countries in Europe and Africa have rejected such food because they can bring about big problems. For instance, a recent research project found that the pollen of GM corn can kill caterpillars that eat it and this has led the American public to debate over the issue. In England, research results showed that upon eating GM yam, the immune system and internal organs of the rat became damaged within ten days. This prompted the English Medical Union to issue a statement to stop people from cultivating this food.

Q: Are these results of research done in the laboratories?

A: Not only in laboratories, but some are also gathered from outside…

Q: Already in the market? Why didn’t America…

A: Take for example GM corn, America has classified it as pesticides and not food. In other words, modified corn is a pesticide for killing pests and no longer fit for human consumption.

Q: So, Dr Lai, being in California, doesn’t the American foods and health authorities interfere with such activities?

A: They did not have any test procedures from the very beginning. GM food are being introduced into the market side by side with other normal food products without any tests.

Q: A while ago mentioned about the English Medical Union. According to our knowledge, they published an article sometime in May that initiated some heated public debates. Can you help to elaborate?

A: In many European countries, including England, supermarkets have removed all GM food from their shelves, 1300 schools have also discarded GM food from their canteens. Other than England, huge supermarkets in France and Germany are doing likewise. Austria is currently working towards eliminating all GM food nationwide. Many European countries have collectively stipulated that all GM food must be labelled before it can be allowed into their markets, and not be slipped in quietly. At present, GM food in America and Canada is mixed with normal food products and is impossible to them tell apart.

Q: We are aware that we have imported this kind of food product from America. If there is no way of identifying them, what can we, as consumers, do?

A: In general, all processed food contains GM food. This is especially so for soybean and corn because 35% to 45% of American soybean and 25% of American corn are already genetically modified. If there is no objection, they intend to convert to GM soybean totally next year. Thus, be wary of processed food that contains corn or soybean. In general, local food should not be a problem; the problem is only with processed food because processed foods usually have a little of everything added to it. Furthermore, be very careful with milk products because it contains GM growth hormone, which is used by all the bigger manufacturers in America. It contains high proportions of IGF1 that is carcinogenic. On top of that, there are also high levels of antibiotics.

Q: Is it the content of IGF?

A: Yes. It is in the milk products.

Q: There is a heated debate on the Internet involving opinions of scientists and consumers. I have personally visited such a site the other day. Their argument is that GM food is basically an answer to food shortage and a great help to developing countries. Can you share with us your personal opinion?

A: The present shortage of food is a result of war, social and politician problems. At present, there is an African country (the poorest in the world) who is prepared to boycott GM food because they know that it is going to bring about much bigger problems. For example, American cotton cultivators discovered that genetically modified cotton seeds fail to germinate properly leading to low yield; and they have collectively sued the supplier of GM cotton seeds in court.

Q: We have also heard of Superseed which were supposed to grow bigger and better vegetables according to experimental results.

A: This is a very new technology which gives results that are very different from what we were expecting; because it defies the law of nature and therefore has many side effects.

Q: So, what you are saying is that you feel that there is insufficient tests being conducted in the field of GE, be it plants or animals being involved.

A: The development in GE is too hasty and it has not been time-tested. The dangers associated with GE are overwhelming because the blueprints of life have been interfered with. I feel that our knowledge is not sufficient, understanding only a part of the whole picture most of the time. It is impossible for us to understand everything, so interfering with nature will lead to a lot of problems.

Q: So, residing in America where GM food is mixed into the market, how do you, in your personal capacity eat defensively?

A: We are very fortunate her to have a farmer’s market where we can purchase organic produce directly from them. In general, organic food is not GM at the moment. We do not buy from the normal markets; we buy only from the farmer’s market or health food outlets that carry organic food. Actually, even organic food is also being threatened in the long run. The reason is pollination of plants. If your neighbour cultivates GM crops, cross-pollination is in the air. Thus, we have to exercise great caution. We must all have the understanding that this form of pollution will eventually affect all of us.

Q: That’s true. I do feel that the consumers need to bear some responsibilities too. I recall having been told by some farmer friends that only ‘perfect’ produce was in demand and therefore they had to find ways and means to produce big and beautiful crops, including escalating the dosage of pesticides used. I think we, as consumers, need to be responsible. We need to understand the workings and courses of nature. I suppose what Dr Lai has pointed our regarding our lack of sufficient knowledge about nature needs to be addressed. We are very grateful indeed to Dr Lai Chiu Nan for having this conversation with us on air. Dr Lai, an expert in cancer research, has shared with us the basic concept of GE and some useful precautions to take. We hope to be able to chat up with you again in future to talk about the further development in this area. Thank you very much Dr Lai.

A: Certainly, thank you.

Dr. Lai’s Mail Box


Chiu-Nan Lai, Ph.D.

Question :

Being a modern person, how do we maintain health? What should we look out for? Could you please state the main points?

Answer :

The living environment of the present day is far removed from nature, and is very different from the living environment of humankind in the past. Hence, to maintain health, one has to put in a great deal of efforts. One needs to learn and study constantly. Lapis Lazuli Light, has published magazines and books to provide new information continuously, in the hope of bringing benefits to everyone.

The following is a concise conclusion of 4 main points, for reference –

  1. Take clean natural food and drink purified water:
  • Choose organic fruits, grains, seeds and seaweed types. Supplement with fermented vegetables, avoid genetically modified or processed food products. If condition allows, one can grow or sprout one’s own food. Sources of soil supplement used in small amounts include rock powder and sea minerals. Water is the source of life. It should not be purified only materially but energetically as well. To rid the vibrations left by pollution, place a bipolar magnet with its north pole right under the water bottle. The needle of the compass will point towards the direction of the north, toward the north pole of the magnet.

Resources: Pursuit of Life, Dr. Lai’s Health Tips, Make A Healthier Choice etc

  1. Increase energy, detoxify and protect the environment:
  • Choose organic cotton clothing and use natural non-poisonous cleaning home products.
  • Supplement EMI, magnetized water, friendly bacteria, super nutritious supplements such as “Bliss De Light”
  • Avoid interference of radiation and frequencies. Adopt protective measures such as numbers like “#95*59# #535000*5#, mantras like OM MANI PADME HUM (write in a triangle, write in blue on white paper), use energy chips, peat moss, colourful oil essence and take oil baths.
  • Practise exercises that can increase energy, align energy, open the 7 Chakras, use different brain frequency breathing styles, Qi Gong (wai-dan-gong, swinging-hand, clap-hand), massage, etc.

Resources: Energy Medicine, Captain Jutta’s Remarkable Journey, Pendulum Dowsing,

Warning: The Electricity around you is hazardous to your health

  1. Clear trauma and negative memories, cultivate and increase warm and loving heart:

Eye rotation exercise, visualise blue light, emotional clearance techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), visual colour healing technique, soul and spirit detoxification, thought transformation, etc.

Resources: Ultimate Healing, Dr. Lai’s Health Tips

  1. Natural Healing:

Colour therapy, Energy Healing, herbs, frequency concoction, etc.


Resources: Let There Be Light, Techniques That Work for Me, Reclaiming Our Health etc

Translated by Singapore Lapis Lazuli Light.

Article originally published in Chinese in Lapis Lazuli Light magazine (May 2006 issue).

Dr. Lai’s Mail Box


Chiu-Nan Lai, Ph.D.

Q1. Are nightshade vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and chillies suitable for pre-school children or can these vegetables be consumed in small portion? Are there any other nightshade vegetables that have to be used with care?

A1. Children may eat a small amount of potatoes, tomatoes or eggplants, but not too much, especially when the child is sick. Chilli is a stimulant, so it is better not to feed chillies to children. Perhaps, after the child turns 12, the child may choose to eat a little if he/she wishes.


Q2. For a child with overly sensitive body constitution, when supplemental food is added to the diet, what are the issues that we should pay attention to?   Will a change in diet improve the child’s overly sensitive body constitution?

A2. When a child withoverly sensitive body constitution begins to consume supplemental food, add one new item at a time and monitor the reactions. Another new item may be added only after a 3-4 days interval. Allergic reactions are due to insufficient friendly bacteria in the digestive system and weak liver functions in the child. On one hand, supplement the child with friendly bacteria – Life-Start; at the same time avoid food that may harm the liver, for example, deep-fried food, chemically grown food, processed food, etc. Also avoid eating too many varieties of food at the same time. Pay attention to food combination, for instance, high protein food and high carbohydrates food should not be consumed at the same time (Refer to Dr. Lai’s “Health Tips on Food Combination”).

In the meantime, pay attention to the child’s body attributes; whether it is “vata” type, “kapha” type, “pitta” type or “cold/hot” constitutions. Normally an allergic constitution is likely to be more of a “wind” type or a “cold” constitutions. In this case, eat less raw food and more cooked food, be exposed to reasonable amount of sunlight, exercise, be in touch with nature, avoid TV, computer, cell-phones and electrical appliances. Be especially aware not to educate the child too early and overexerting the brain.


Q3. Under what condition is the most suitable time to stop breastfeeding a child? Is it alright to let the child be breastfed until the mother runs out of milk? Based on the book “I Have Arrived”, is it better to stop breastfeeding between 9 to 10 months or does it depend on the condition of the mother and the child on a case to case basis?

A3. Normally breastfeeding stops around the age of one. If the mother has insufficient milk or is physically weak, then stop breastfeeding at an earlier time. But if the mother is physically fit and has lots of milk, the child may continue to be fed a little more milk, depending on individual cases. Sometimes the mother has to work or for some other reasons that it is inconvenient to breastfeed, then stop breastfeeding between 9 to 10 months is considered quite good.


Q4 My second child has very poor teeth. There are many horizontal yellow lines on the teeth and the teeth get decayed easily (in fact decay started when the teeth just started to grow). According to the dentist, this is caused by malnutrition during pregnancy. May I know what nutrition is missing and how to avoid such malnutrition?

A4. Nowadays, soil is generally depleted of minerals, only if the mother eats the “ideal” organic produce will she easily get all the necessary nutrients. The so called “ideal” organic produce means that rock powder and calcium are added to the soil. If only organic fertilizer such as cow dung is used, there is still a possibility of insufficient mineral, yet the vegetables will grow well. If possible, take supplements such as Bliss Delight, kelp, dark leafy greens and rock powder. Rock powder may be consumed by human. Add rock powder to drinking water; let the rock powder settle to the bottom, then drink the water on top.

It is best for the mother-to-be to eat natural food, avoid white rice, white flour, white sugar and all refined snacks. Also avoid meat, fish or seafood. As for grains and seeds, supplement with a suitable amount of black sesame seeds, brown rice, millet, barley, etc.

Insufficient “qi” in the child’s kidney may be another cause of problem on the quality of teething. Avoid all kinds of stress: electromagnetic waves, chemical pollution, emotional stress, etc. Look at good things, listen to good things, think of good things. In your home and to carry on your body, pay attention to protecting yourselves from electromagnetic waves, for example, using the house energizer, peat moss pad, dark blue colour filter, and so on.


Q5. When my child was about 3 years old, he visited his grandparents’ home in the outer island. The next day he had flu symptoms but he still played outside the house for the whole day. On the second day, the flu was gone, but on the third day, the flu came back again and this happened repeatedly. Since then, he has been having flu symptoms for a while every morning after he wakes up. If he eats peanuts, nuts, chocolate or larger amount of food made from beans or milk like cakes, or food that contains preservatives, the sneezing and running nose will last a long time. Sometimes there is also coughing. I would like to know if the repeated flu would weaken the bronchial system and lead to allergic rhinitis or is it a side effect of infection. Or is it what western doctors generally refer to as a genetic factor? If he cannot consume nuts over a long time period, should he take any other food for supplements?

Other than these, one week after my child was born, he went through the “New Born Child Screen Check”. He was prodded by needles for many times for blood drawing. It took several tens of needle prodding before the blood collection was completed. My baby cried piteously and struggled until he “knocked off” (as if he was in a shock) and was awaken by more prodding. Could Dr. Lai please advise how we can help him release this trauma?

A5. Regarding the part on traumatic experience, you may adopt the “lightly patting entire body” method to release the trauma. (Please refer to the November, 2000 Lapis Lazuli Light Chinese Magazine).

For cold catching, taking an oil bath may help to expel the cold (the steam bath or moxa stick that are popular in Taiwan also have the same effect). As for the causes to the child’s body constitution turning weak, there are many possibilities. In addition, the global environment is highly polluted nowadays, so it is difficult to pin down the cause. Perhaps there is a cell-phone tower close to the grandparents’ house, because coughing is one of the symptoms of microwave interference.

As for allergy to nuts or seeds, try using “local” products for replacement, maybe sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, sprout them first, then make into milk beverages for the child, that should solve the allergy problem.


Q6. My daughter has been on a vegetarian diet since young. Because of her small build and being thin, all the adults feel that she is not up to the standard or what they consider as “plump” or “strong”. Including my parent-in-laws and other relatives attribute it to malnutrition because she does not consume meat or fish. Dr. Lai, what is your opinion in handling these comments?


A6. Children who eat meat are not necessarily plump. I know of some children who love meat and do not eat vegetables but are very thin. This is because protein is not a good source of calorie, and it takes more calories to digest meat. In the US, there is a group which promotes a weight loss diet that consumes a large amount of high-protein foods. People did lose weight from this diet, but their kidneys were all harmed. Children in the US had a ten-pound average weight increase over the past ten years, which brought the concerns from the medical field because this is an indication of abnormal state of health and signs of aging. The reasons that children in the US become fat are that the soil is impoverished, so the food grown lacks minerals; additionally, eating refined food and high-fat food have also led to obesity. Macrobiotics researchers all discovered that people and mice that live a long life eat very little. The most effective method for longevity is to eat little and not over eat. Whether a child is plump or thin also has to do with the diet the grandmother ate when she was pregnant with the child’s mother. If the grandmother did not have a balanced or sufficient nutrition, it may affect the quality of body constitution of the third generation, and the child may tend to either become fat easily or be tiny and thin. Therefore, as long as one eats a balanced diet, has sufficient fat, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc, not to worry if the person is plump or thin.


Q7. A pediatrician recommended that fluoride tablet be taken by children before bed to protect their teeth. Is this safe?

A7: That is poisonous and must not be taken. (please refer to fluoridealert.org/50-reasons.htm for more information)

Translated by Yih Pin Tang.

Dr. Lai’s Mail Box


Chiu-Nan Lai, Ph.D.

Letter From A Malaysian Reader        

Q: Four or five months ago, I suddenly discovered that the dark birthmark on the right side of my waist turned much lighter. And the complexion around the birthmark turned white. Two white patches occurred on my right leg and they are expanding now. I am afraid that the patch might expand to my face because many of my friends have such problem: there are pieces of white patches on the face, as well as other parts of the body.

A: I have asked dermatologist about this problem. He said it was the skin “depigment” caused by the destruction of melanin producing cells, which was the result of the dysfunction of auto immune system. And this problem could not be cured. Meladinine and protopic cream could be used for treatment. But this caused skin hypersensitivity. So my questions are as follows:

(1) What causes this disease?

(2) How to prevent and cure this disease?

(3) How to prevent further aggravation?

I’ve checked the medical book. The condition most similar to your case is “vitiligo” . In such case, the cells, which produce melanin in certain locations, are attacked by the auto immune system with unknown reason, leading to white patches. Generally speaking, one third of people with such disease have something wrong with their thyroid gland. In addition, people with diabetes, pernicious anemia, Addison’s disease or sun-burned skin tend to have such problem. Sometimes, this disease would be automatically cured by the body itself. This is not a severe disease. But it will cause psychological discomfort. Additionally, the white patch is easy to get burned by the sun and it needs protection from the sun.

Illness on the immune function is a disease of the whole body. It is closely related to the nervous system, problems of blood pH and the functions of liver, spleen and thymus. In particular, an article in the August 2006 issue mentioned the maladjustment of neural system, which is caused by microwave, can lead to the dysfunction of immune system. Thus, protection from electromagnetic-wave and microwave needs special attention. The article “Take care of your liver, protect your environment” in the February 2006 issue provides many methods. When the liver functions well, the blood can nourish all cells, including melanin producing cells. Skin is exposed directly to the outer environment and thus is easiest to be injured by chemical pollution, electrical pollution and excessive ultraviolet radiation. When the body fluid is depleted, the body is easy to get hurt by the sun. Among all food, the wild or naturally cultivated fresh vegetables, fruits and seeds contain antipollution nutrient ingredient, which can nourish the body fluid, enrich the blood and protect the body. Currently, chemical fertilizer cultivation cannot supplement trace element and thus there is a lack of trace elements in the food. Therefore, it is very essential to appropriately supplement with sea vegetables and wild plants from the forests, so that the body can get what it lacks and regenerates quickly.

Recently, I have introduced low salt concentrated sea minerals from an Australian farmer to my friend, who recovered within just to weeks and he can grow vegetables now. His friend had Parkinson’s disease. After supplementing with the above mineral for only one week, his mouth didn’t tremble any more and he could sleep well in the night. We have introduced the relationship between AIDS and selenium in the articles. In the areas where there is enough selenium, the incidence of AIDS is very low.

The diseases caused by the environment need care in every way. These problems cannot be solved by a simple folk remedy.

Only through thoroughly practicing the approaches, which we have introduced in recent years, to health care and environmental protection, can the various strange diseases be prevented and overcame.


Extracted from Lapis Lazuli Light Magazine 2006 Aug Issue

Translated by Lapis Lazuli Light Singapore

Dr Lai’s Mailbox

Dr Lai’s Mailbox

Dr Chiu-Nan Lai

Question: How serious is the impact of contaminated water on people?

Answer: Water has an incredible influence and whether it is good or bad, it can amplify the influence. Electromagnetic waves and microwaves can turn the energy of water counter-clockwise. If the energy of the water in the pipe is negative, it can influence us tremendously. Attach the Water Magnetizing Energy Enhancer or Ancient Light Crystal to the pipe. By doing this, it not only purifies the energy of the water in our home, it also purifies the energy of the building we live in. Water polluted by electromagnetic waves is in the form of macromolecules, and thus cannot enter the cells, resulting in the reduction of the body’s transport function. Although we may eat a lot, the nutrient cannot be delivered to the places where it is needed. Calcium settling down causes problems such as rheumatism and bone spurs, etc. Nowadays, many sicknesses are due to the water problem in the body. If we say “Thank you” to water, the energy field of the water will improve, which is why you can also paste “Thank you” on the water pipe. Someone attached the words “Thank you” on a swollen leg and the swelling disappeared. In addition, the energy of the mantra OM MA NI PAD ME HUM and the Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra “OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MU NAYE SOHA” is much higher than “Thank you”, so you can paste the mantras on water pipes, power supply, or replace it with prayers of your own beliefs.


Question: Can we do the Brazilian massage on ourselves?

Answer: Using the energy of others would give better results.


Question: Someone added the water with message into Cheng Cing Lake, but the expiry date of the water has passed. Is that still effective?

Answer: Water has memory, and can lead the other contaminated water to become positive. That is why when our own energy field heightens, it can also convert the energy field of the people around us into positive energy. As long as there is still water that contained messages in the container, continue to add water to the container. The messages in the water will continue to be passed on. Put the water in glasses, porcelain or earthenware containers. Keeps adding water, continue drinking and let the message transmission carry on.


Question: After chemotherapy, how can we restore our health?

Answer: In the forties, experts in Austria said that when water gets cancer, people will also get cancer. How does water get cancer? He observed that the people who lived furthest away from the water source got cancer more frequently. In an area where the quality of water is not good, the liver of the local residents also is not good. Water has very lively molecules. It is like a waterfall. The water flows constantly to absorb the energy of the universe. Stagnant water needs to be stirred forming swirls so that it can absorb the energy of the universe. Adding a few drops of the ocean minerals (Pure Aussie) into the water can also increase the energy of the water. It varies widely with or without minerals, because if there are minerals, the body can resonate with the universe and absorb its energy.


Question: How do we adjust our interaction with the opposite sex in this day and age?

Answer: This society inevitably inherits ancestral habits. China in the past has gender inequality, and was male-dominated. But this era is the time to repair the earth, where energy of a mother’s love and care for the earth is needed to demonstrate a gentle energy. When men who lose power they may panic. At this time, men can respect women, demonstrating the gentle side of their love for lives. This is a special era, the era of materialistic and spiritual choices. We can choose to be materialistic or spiritual, and we need to respect the choices of everyone. Although some people choose to be materialistic, but when he faces setbacks, he will wake up. The important part is that we have to release the energy to control others.


Question: My menstruation went haywire after giving birth. How can this be remedied?

Answer: Electromagnetic waves and microwaves can interfere with the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls all the body’s internal secretion. When the endocrine system is interfered with, it results in menstrual disorder. Pay attention to whether you are frequently using mobile phones, computers, or constantly exposed to fluorescent light. Due to the energy field being disturbed, the energy of the crown chakra of many people show counter-clockwise when dowsed. This is due to the energy field being disturbed. Visualise the golden sun on top of your head to regulate the crown chakra. This will balance the internal secretion.


The original Chinese article is published in the Nov 2007 issue of Lapis magazine


Dr. Lai’s Mail Box


Chiu-Nan Lai, Ph.D.

Question 1: Since cancer patients are not recommended to take meat, during chemotherapy treatments, what dietary intake of nutrients is suitable as replacement? Especially to maintain normal counts of platelets, red and white blood cells for subsequent treatments.  

Answer: Meat-based diet is not originally natural for humans. It is not solely due to cancer that patients are recommended to abstain. If the patient chooses to go through chemo-treatments, he needs to take extra care in replenishment, requiring even more nutrients. Because chemotherapy is harmful to liver, kidney and all fast-growing cell bodies; it doesn’t only kill cancerous cells. Inclusive of natural, organic vegetarian diet that I have been introducing for many years, there is a need to take in more green leafy vegetables that’s rich in chlorophyll, like high energy (mineral) soup or green juicing methods. Have sufficient high quality protein, germinating seeds like sunflower seeds and sprouts. High quality fats/oils is also important, especially Omega-3 of which flaxseeds/linseeds and sesame seeds are a good source. Pure naturally-produced coconut oil can be taken in appropriate amount. It’s essential to have diverse nutritional intake and foods with high energy so that you do not go hungry.


Question 2: I suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia (facial nerve pain) of the right face for 4-5 years. Each time it will be painful for 7-8 months, and then stop for a few months. I’ve consulted Chinese and Western medical practices and both have not been effective. Please advise on how I can cure this.

Answer: Cause of Trigeminal Neuralgia may be related to use of mobile phones. A few years back, a friend started to use mobile phone and felt pain on the whole half of her body because nervous system developed chronic inflammation from the harmful effects of microwaves. Cordless phone is equally harmful. Wireless means radiation. First step is to stop using mobile phone. Then practise daily the energy exercises described in Dr Lai’s Health Tips. Healing can be expedited if you have the opportunity to breathe in natural air at the seaside or forest. For your diet, take in more fresh, organic vegetables, especially dark leafy ones and sprouts. It is necessary to have sufficient B vitamins from food source.


Question 3: A 6-year-old child has been in father’s custody since her parents’ divorce. How can we help her release the anxiety and fear from losing her biological mother?

Answer: For a child, losing one’s mother is the greatest fear. For the sake of her physical and psychological health in the long run, it is best to arrange opportunities for them to stay together or keep in contact. If conditions do not allow, gentle tapping of her whole body can help. Yet the child’s deep longing for a mother’s love can never be compensated. Father should spend more time with the child – visit places in nature, tell stories, etc – these are important. Strictly do not badmouth or start fault finding the mother in front of the child.


Question 4: Please explain how we can maintain healthy kidneys.

Answer: The keys to maintain healthy kidneys are: eat clean food, drink clean water, breathe in clean air and have a relaxed attitude towards life. These are real challenges for life in modern day. In addition, modern workplaces and home environments are saturated with electromagnetic waves, microwaves and wireless radiation. These are harmful to kidneys. Diet with high proteins, especially meat-based proteins like meat, chickens, etc are weighing on kidneys too. Chinese traditional foods to protect kidneys are black beans, black sesame, and polygonum multiflorum, etc in Chinese medicine. Various energy (qi) exercises are also helpful. Before sleep, taking warm feet bath, followed by rubbing palms across soles helps strengthen kidneys’ functions. (See Wutaishan 8-step Exercise [page 39] in Dr Lai’s Health Tips.)


Question 5: I followed your steps in removing gallstones naturally, but it has not been successful. Why is that so?

Answer: The success rate for using apple juices to remove gallstones is 90%. Hence there will be a small number of unsuccessful cases. You can try to start taking the apple juice or apples 5 days before full moon. It means that when you drink Epsom salts, lemon juice and oil, it is 1 day after full moon. Our liver usually detoxifies on full moons, thus it is more effective to choose this time. At the same time, warm the gall-liver region before sleep (Refer to method explained in The Pursuit of Life).


Question 6: May I ask Dr Lai, does sunflower oil and flaxseed oil share the same benefits? Can I swallow the oil after rinsing my mouth, especially for throat cancer patients?

Answer: The rationale for using sunflower oil to rinse mouth is to use high energy

clean oil to absorb the toxins in our saliva. Hence, it is also fine to use flaxseed oil or high quality coconut oil and olive oil. Once toxins are absorbed into the oil, it is important to spit it out, and rinse the mouth again with warm water. Please do not swallow it.


Question 7: Organic foods and diet help to improve our health and heal illnesses. Do we need to insist in producing organic foodstuff to improve our health and physical environment? Farming is exhausting, losing out on manpower efficiency and time. It’s difficult to receive recognition. (from an organic farmer)


Answer Eating food produced from natural farming methods serves people, earth soil and nature well. Over the years, I’ve observed that when conventional farming is switched to chemical fertilizing methods, after 20 years, the occurrence of cancer diseases is a booming straight line increase, becoming the main cause of mortality. This is an observable fact from worldwide studies in countries with high cancer rates. If we want health, if we want to leave behind rich and clean land for our descendants, the only way is organic farming. It is a very meaningful mission to be a natural organic farmer. But perhaps it needs the support from society, from consumers who are willing to support and affording the farmers what they deserve. This is a long term investment. We may covet short term gains, but we pay a very high price in the long run, leaving the debts to our children and grandchildren.


Question 8: Is it due to psychological fear that a child is bedwetting (enuresis)?

Answer: Bedwetting may be due to shock or fear, and also possibly, weak kidneys. To release shock/fear, we can use gentle tapping and eyes rolling techniques. One cause of weak kidneys is interferences from electromagnetic waves and microwaves. Unplug electrical appliances in bedrooms, especially TVs and computers. Preferably, the whole power supply can be switched off. If not, bed should be 6 feet away from sockets and internal wiring behind walls. Do not sleep on metallic bed because metals absorb microwaves. It is best to change beds with springs to other materials. Soak feet in warm water and rub soles also help strengthen kidneys.


Original Chinese article was published in Lapis magazine (February 2009 issue)