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Stuffed Bean Curd with Pumpkin Sauce

Bean Curd: 4 pcs
Alfalfa Sprouts: 1 bowl
Cucumber shreds: 1 bowl
Mint Leaves: few
Almonds: 100g (coarsely ground)
Pumpkin: 500g
Lime: 1 (optional)

Curry Powder: 1 tbsp
Sea Salt: according to taste
Light Sauce: according to taste


  1.  Skin the pumpkin, cut into pieces and cooked in some water till soft.
  2.  Mash or blend the pumpkin with its water. Add in the seasoning. Leave aside.
  3.  Lightly oil the bean curd and bake for 20 minutes at 180ºC. When cooled, cut the bean curds diagonally and cut a small slit on each new side of bean curd.
  4.  Mix and divide the cucumber shreds and alfalfa sprouts into 8 portions. Stuff each portion into the bean curd pockets. Arrange on sewing dish.
  5.  Pour the blended pumpkin sauce over the bean curds and sprinkle the ground almonds. Garnish with the mint leaves. Squeeze some lime juice over dish (if using).