Bean Curd: 4 pcs
Alfalfa Sprouts: 1 bowl
Cucumber shreds: 1 bowl
Mint Leaves: few
Almonds: 100g (coarsely ground)
Pumpkin: 500g
Lime: 1 (optional)
Curry Powder: 1 tbsp
Sea Salt: according to taste
Light Sauce: according to taste
- Skin the pumpkin, cut into pieces and cooked in some water till soft.
- Mash or blend the pumpkin with its water. Add in the seasoning. Leave aside.
- Lightly oil the bean curd and bake for 20 minutes at 180ºC. When cooled, cut the bean curds diagonally and cut a small slit on each new side of bean curd.
- Mix and divide the cucumber shreds and alfalfa sprouts into 8 portions. Stuff each portion into the bean curd pockets. Arrange on sewing dish.
- Pour the blended pumpkin sauce over the bean curds and sprinkle the ground almonds. Garnish with the mint leaves. Squeeze some lime juice over dish (if using).