1) Use a natural, NOT a synthetic, bristle brush (vegetable bristle). Choose a bath-type, long- handled brush.
- The brush should be kept dry. Use of the brush for dry skin brushing only and not for bathing.
2) Brush at least once over every part of the body except the face. Use long sweeping strokes with pressure adjusted to your comfort level. Brush only in one direction towards lower abdomen and avoid back and forth motion or circular motion.
- The upper body, e.g. neck and chest: brush downwards.
- The lower body, e.g. feet, legs and buttock: brush upwards.
- Arm: brush upwards, towards shoulders.
- Shoulder and upper back: brush across.
3) Brush 1-2 times a day for 5 minutes each time.
- It is common to have tingling sensation over tender part of the body in the first few days after brushing..
4) After 1-2 days of brushing, excessive toxins and waste in the lymphatic system will be eliminated in the stool.
- Waste from the lymphatic system: jelly-like consistency, color varies from transparent to dark brown.
- Waste deposited in the large intestine: adhesive accumulated dark faeces.