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Harmonizing Energy for a Healthy Body

Chiu-Nan Lai, Ph.D.

Maintaining good health not only means taking care of our physical body, more importantly, it requires taking care of the invisible energy of the body, because the body’s nutrients and maintenance depends on the energy of the body. The energy of the body is affected by emotions, the mind and environmental factors.

The nourishment of energy (Chi) from natural forests and seaside are very important. That is also why in cities, man’s body and emotions are damaged by pollution. Professor Valerie Hunt, a scientist researching on the body’s energy discovered that muscle strength reflected the influence of energy of the body. In our environment full of man-made substances, such as wearing clothes made of man-made fiber, using carpet with man-made fiber, the physical body’s energy is reduced by 1/3-1/2 its original energy; a change to natural environment such as wearing cotton material, using bare flooring, some of the energy lost by the body is recovered, but not immediately to its original level of energy.

The interaction between people also affects energy. For people whose energy do not match to interact with each other, both their energy would be reduced by each other, and the body would easily feel tired and unwell, or fall ill. For people whose energy interact well with each other, both their energy would be raised by each other. Unhappy interpersonal relations would affect the body.

Regulating the energy, the emotions and the mind are directly related to one another, being the crux of maintaining good health. Irregular heartbeat is a reflection of irregular flow of energy in the body. External environment pollution may also cause irregular flow of energy. Weed killer contains glyphosate, which may cause irregular heartbeat as one of its side effects. In the air, electromagnetic radiation caused by television, wireless station/satellites, handphone transmission stations, radar all affect energy. The radiation caused by man in the atmosphere is 1 million to 2 million times of that caused by the radiation from the sun. The effects of these disturbances on our bodies come in many ways. More scientists’ research has been conducted showing that the body’s resistance, internal glandular secretion and mental system are being disrupted.


Professor Valerie Hunt has shared a method of harmonizing energy, using the process of breathing and visualization to open up the main switch to the body’s energy – the chakras, to remove the disturbances to the body.



When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the left foot, across the back of the waist, moving down the right leg, breath out from the right foot. Repeat 10 times.


When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the bottom of both feet all the way to the heart. Then exhale, moving back down the path from which it came, exiting from the bottom of both feet. Repeat 10 times.

  1. THE KNEE:

When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the knees all the way to the heart, breath out from the knees. Repeat 10 times.


(Point between the anus and urinary tract)

When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the Root Chakra all the way to the heart, out breath exiting from the Root Chakra. Repeat 10 times.



When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the sacral chakra (lower abdomen) all the way to the heart. The out breath moving down from the heart, exiting from sacral chakra. Repeat 10 times.


When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the solar plexus chakra (stomach) all the way to the heart, the out breath exiting from solar plexus chakra. Repeat 10 times.


(Center of the chest in line with the armpit)

When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the heart, the out breath exiting from the heart. Repeat 10 times.



(Depression between the collar bone)

When breathing in, visualize the breathe coming in from the Throat Chakra all the way to the heart, the out breath exiting from Throat Chakra. Repeat 10 times.



When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the Brow Chakra all the way to the heart, exiting from the Brow Chakra on exhalation. Repeat 10 times.


When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the Crown Chakra all the way to the heart, exiting from the Crown Chakra on exhalation. Repeat 10 times.

  1. When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the bottom of the feet and up to the crown chakra. Energy flow in from all the chakras along the path. Breath out from the crown chakra. Repeat 3 times.
  2. When breathing in, visualize the breath coming in from the bottom of the feet and from the top of the head, all the way to the heart, breath out exiting from both ends (the bottom of the feet and the top of the head). Repeat 3 times.

In areas where the body needs healing, visualize energy entering the body from the opposite direction, such as the energy flowing up and down the body, left to right, forward and backward.


With the above harmonizing of the body, the energy would flow through the entire body, nourishing our health.